You can dress it up with a lot of high-falutin’ multisyllabic words, but in the end Trump himself is a classic grifter and charlatan a la PT Barnum. The sooner America and the world in general moves past him (and Biden) I might add, the better off we will all be. It is far more important to understand WHY non-college educated and working class Americans were sucked in to this scam of a man and respond to the legitimate grievances that they have. The most fundamental of these grievances lie in the gross income inequality in the U.S.

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A Windy Way of saying "Trump Derangement Syndrome" i.e. an Elite Personality Conflict.

Because Trump is an Elite NYC Jew Boy Fat Cat. There is nothing really objectionable about him from the Zion, NYC Fat Cat perspecive except that he isn't grovellingly humble enough.

Not to say that he doesn't grovel to minorities, but he isn't humble.

Other than that, he still thinks Hillary Clinton is his friend.

So do most Republicans, whatever they may say to the contrary.

Unfortunately, he is the best of a bad lot if you want to humiliate the rest of them and that's about th only thing left ot achieve in American politcs: entertainment.

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