Sounds good just like gazillion pages of self-help written during last several decades. The problem is that one needs both noble blood and be initiated in order to "truly live", or to at least be subordinated to these kind of men. These men do not exist, or are at least not visible, for a long time. Great mystery is how are they going to appear again.

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Celtic pagans believed they would be reborn into their family lines, therefore death had no hold on them, and by assisting the family one assists future incarnations by proxy. Guido von List asserts the same for Germanics. Reincarnation along genetic lines is, to me, the real form of immortality. Genetic memory preserves elements of the spirit.

Genes remember too.

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Agreed, a life where you achieve nothing of value at all is no life, this is specially made worse for the average man who doesn’t have high expectations of himself and his life and yet is never able to achieve even the smallest dreams he does still hold within himself.

Greatness is good, Glory is good, a life well lived is good.

I think everyone can agree with that in a general sense

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