This is an interesting way to 'read' the history of ruling class self-justification. In the end, though, it hardly matters whether the justifications the ruling class gives for their privileges as long as the lower classes can be made to accept them.

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Neither, the West has been subjected to unrestricted warfare by Marxist-Leninist-Maoists for nearly 40 years now. If you look at the western elites and the "woke" youth that they use as pawns and Stürmabteilung, they use Maoist Thought Reform techniques to gain and keep power, i.e. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1959/12/thought-reform-ideological-remolding-in-china/642911/ The "woke" have been excluded from Russia, and if you compare, for example, contemporary US and Russian youth cultures, the difference will be obvious and striking.

Looking at a couple of items from your article -

"we resist American influences like anti-genderism and multiculturalism." Those aren't traditionalist American influences, they're Maoist influences:

"Identity politics are a Maoist stratagem, a power play: What is being criticised here is a particular political style, rather than a theoretical orientation - a style which labels as oppressive any deviation from a particular political line, which resorts almost immediately to public denunciation and exclusion, and which entails analytical and categorical rigidity, with corresponding boundary-policing.

IPs see one axis of oppression as primary - the principal contradiction. They demand that everyone focus on this axis. If someone fails to do so, IPs label them racist, sexist, white supremacist, patriarchal, etc. Ditto if they refuse leadership by the oppressed group (often meaning the IPs themselves), deviate from the IP’s proposed political line, or criticise an IP. Such terms are deployed only by a member of the correct group, and are used to silence criticism - in the case of Patriarchy Haters, even the word violence is monopolised; those who oppose them “do not get to decide what counts as violence”. ...

This political style boundary-polices identities in a way which renders them rigid and authoritarian. In many cases, fighting alleged racism or sexism inside radical groups is seen as the most important issue in radical politics - more important than fighting racism/sexism in the wider society. Usually, these attacks take the form of militant struggle from the Maoist milieu: public denunciation and/or disruption, criticism/self-criticism, purging/ exclusion, and the policing of micro-oppressions within the movement or scene; activists refuse to draw distinctions between allies and sympathisers, active enemies, and anything in-between. Ostracism, “the ultimate form of social control,” “is very infrequently used” in indigenous cultures but is used almost immediately by IPs for the smallest perceived transgressions." "Against Identity Politics" at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/lupus-dragonowl-against-identity-politics

Ostracism is also known as "cancelling" and it, or the threat of it, is quite useful for keeping people in line and obedient...

"Pat Buchanan and many other writers speak of the rise of neo-Marxism or cultural Marxism" - People who use the term "cultural Marxism" have almost universally never actually read any Marx, they've read textbook summaries, but not the actual writings of Karl Marx. If they'd done so, and if they knew about Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, they wouldn't fall into this particular trap, this mis-classification. Identity politics is a divide and conquer strategy used by one class to fight against the other, this is why Trump is viewed as such a threat by the Maoist elites, because Trump unites the working and middle classes, and defeats identity politics.

"‘long march through the institutions’." The "Long March" - that's a dead giveaway for Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, in fact, that's Mao's Thought right there, verbatim.

"The Cultural Revolution that is supposedly underway in the United States and other Western countries is being led from above by university-educated elites whose goal is to ideologically indoctrinate the working and lower classes who are resisting this ‘awakening’ in their blindness."

Exactly as was done in the PRC in the 1960s - it's the same class warfare going on, by the same groups. Here, it's Harvard and Yale and like institutions in which the ruling class gets its indoctrination and certification, and where its influence networks are formed.

So it's not "neo-Malthusianisn", it's Marxism-Leninism-Maoism that is behind all of this. It's really anti-Marxism, if you think about it a bit.

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It is matriarchy that threatens the West, not Marxism or Malthus.

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