"The dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of Western countries themselves. It is a challenge to everyone, a total denial of humanity, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom, which takes on the characteristics of an inverted religion — outright Satanism... "

So dictatorial Western elites have directed at the western people an inverted religion — outright Satanism. See attributes listed in the above excerpt.

This has been brought about very slowly thereby the western residents don't even realize the extent of inversion. Akin to cold blooded unaware frogs in a pot of water coming to a boil. Too late for the frogs, only when the pot boils, will reality hit.

I've been fortunate through hard experiences to part the fog and see this coming labeling it feral heathenism. This has upset the pious frogs!

I'm just the messenger. Perhaps the frogs ire needs to be accurately redirected to the dictatorial Western elites instead. 5th Gen warfare even deflects the blame on the messengers. Don't shoot the messenger!

Now the western people can't leave all the heavy lifting to Trump after just voting him in.

"Casting votes is admirable, but it hardly constitutes an uprising or a sustained revival. It costs little and requires no sacrifice. It is also a notoriously fickle way of understanding and exercising citizenship. It can quickly be reversed." [1]

Instead this can only succeed when each western individual accepts the challenge to rid themselves from the grips of this inverted satanic ideology masquerading as religious morality. Restoring their own humanity and freedom, reviving faith and family values.

[1] https://open.substack.com/pub/stephenbaskerville/p/so-the-good-guys-won-and-the-bad

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This was very good. Quite comprehensive and edifying. Thank you for the translation.

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What about Sovietism, which has it's main concentration in Russia for many decades, and it's effect's on both Russians and Westerners? Anti-traditional influences were not just flowing from West to Russia, but also in the other direction. Also, Russians killed their Tzar. How can they claim link to old Russian nobility?

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"Russians" did not kill the Tzar as any honest student of history should mention, but foreign agents of the Bolshevik cause. While I agree with the majority of the sentiment w.r.t postmodern and modern Western yolk via the Russian perspective, any serious examination of WW2 will demonstrate that the Germans had gone through a period of de-Westernization themselves; rejecting postmodernism and many relics of the modern era. The "Slavic subhumans" claim is just anti-historical propaganda used by the Soviets to stoke wartime fervor for their cause.

In other words, "The Great Patriotic War" does not neatly fit into this narrative of liberation and success against "The Collective West". One might argue that the military success on the Soviets behalf prolonged the "Western" ideology of Communism in the Russian sphere artificially.

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