Christopher Jolliffe discusses the evolving geopolitical landscape, emphasizing the shift from unipolar dominance to a multipolar world order and its implications for national sovereignty and global power dynamics.
Best analysis of the Carlson-Putin Interview yet although I don't share the optimisism. Greed and a lust for power have become too intertwined and deeply entrenched since our Revolution which inadvertantly rendered sin a secular religion. The "American Dream" is no longer prosperity but wealth and the military has become its gangster arm. We have forgotten that the Revolution opposed a feudal, hereditary class system, not all order of any kind. The Founders sought a deeper connection with God, prayed for guidance and His providence in the affairs of men in which they also understood their place. We seem to believe ourselves gods at this point and from that there is no coming back. Our one saving grace may be the destruction of our own currency which could eliminate our moneyed oligrachs and leave a power vaccuum for a truly aultoritarian system run by knowledgeable people in a technologically advanced civiliszation which will not want or even be able to give that up. Someoine will have to get the trains running on time and it isn't Niki Haley or even the Swami. Trump is as close as any get but he's no statesman nor engineer either although he does on better with construction people which is his forte in politics.
Best analysis of the Carlson-Putin Interview yet although I don't share the optimisism. Greed and a lust for power have become too intertwined and deeply entrenched since our Revolution which inadvertantly rendered sin a secular religion. The "American Dream" is no longer prosperity but wealth and the military has become its gangster arm. We have forgotten that the Revolution opposed a feudal, hereditary class system, not all order of any kind. The Founders sought a deeper connection with God, prayed for guidance and His providence in the affairs of men in which they also understood their place. We seem to believe ourselves gods at this point and from that there is no coming back. Our one saving grace may be the destruction of our own currency which could eliminate our moneyed oligrachs and leave a power vaccuum for a truly aultoritarian system run by knowledgeable people in a technologically advanced civiliszation which will not want or even be able to give that up. Someoine will have to get the trains running on time and it isn't Niki Haley or even the Swami. Trump is as close as any get but he's no statesman nor engineer either although he does on better with construction people which is his forte in politics.
Take away the Dollar and USA is done. This is the fast-approaching reality.