Tucker represents the average American Citizen . Even when I do not "comulgate" as we say in Mèxico, with his "ideas", I agree on the importance of such a meeting hoping that YES it will serve HUMANITY! .....USA with Biden up front are guiding the planet towards its DESTRUCTION.
Yes you are spot on with Biden! The only thing he can do fast and with consistency is guide the planet towards destruction but pretends to be saving the planet, a devout Catholic while he is attacking all faith's including his own and anyone with an ounce of moral values.
Like everything about Biden, his Catholicism is a convenience that cloaks him with a air of moral respectability. It's wholly contrived. Everything about the man is contrived. He's an elderly idiot.
biden is respectable. he was a bit off when his first wife got killed. and also the stuff with hunger aged him dramatically. because at bottom he is a family man. nah. the true catholics running are on the court imposing their religion on everybody else.
Apocalypse is always in front of our eyes but unveiling only to those willing to see. Three things stood out from the show. First, Mr Putins brilliant opening, class act, tactic learned from streets of St.Petersburg. Second, Mr Putins patience to explain what denatzification means parallel of cia showing clip from Canada. Thirdly, Mr Putins indirect way of educating about personal responsibility of ones actions, cause and effect. No clown can hide behind his master forever.
He seemed never to answer Tucker directly but rather let him discover the answer by explaining the context and historical realities. Notice also that he did not set up “straw men” and push them over. And he usually refused to quote others and paraphrase, telling Tucker to ask the person himself. Really impressive.
True. Additionally, Putin did note a few times that they agreed to "have a serious discussion" which mean serious, deeply considered answers to seemingly naive questions, that I m sure were asked for average western brainwashed citizen in mind.
Tucker Carlson is a front man (that's if he's not a woman) for the hijacking profiteers of the cabal known as the US corporate "government'. The US corporate government is another PMA or Private Membership Association in cohoots with the Vatican/Rome, Zionists, all the misleaders of countries (a country is an artificial construct as it is earth/land) they assumed for themselves to rule over. In essence, I do not need or want their playbook of mayhem and murder. And this goes for their media as well.
As the American people are mocked, scorned and played around with, their children being stolen, raped and murdered with abandon. Folks stood in long lines to receive the poison injection. Many have died rapidly and suddenly by a government that approved this C-19 deadly weapon. And these sheeple still rally around this government/media cyclops monster fiction. I don't see how the American people still DO NOT see the game being played but then again the misleaders figure 'we'll pull another one on them.' Hahahaha...laughing all the way to the bank!
Tucker was warned about interviewing Putin but sometimes you have to buck the system. Let's pray for his protection that he does not become another Julian Assange. Who cares what Hillary has to say but she spewed out that Tucker could become a useful idiot in regards to interviewing Putin and another said he could be charged with bogus espionage act by Russia. His real concern should be some of our three letter agencies of corruption. Maybe we'll get a clue of the hundreds of billions that were sent to a black hole in Ukraine. I recall a Ukraine news agent talking to a US News outlet saying we are fighting this war for the U.S. and the New World Order. High Russia military revealed dozens of biolabs and children who were chained to concrete floors without proper sanitation and food. This was quickly swept under the rug just like the Afghanistan withdrawal. Liberals have become too liberal for me and it's clear it's a form of mental illness. I really thought that when Trump left office that a bottle of evil had been opened up but this has been going on for over a decade. You can see it all over the TV. I just wasn't watching it. I have been criticized of being brainwashed by Fox News but it sure seemed saner to me.
Tucker is a part of the three letter agencies. Truly he was born an and raised in the deep state. He’s not a rebel beyond appearances. That’s not to say the State isn’t allowing him to be useful for potentially communicating with an “enemy” and perhaps even soft diplomacy since we fucked Ukraine project so badly.
I heard something like this before and when I heard all the softball questions to Putin I was actually disappointed. Even Putin himself was disappointed saying he was prepared to answer any questions Tucker had. Tucker was born wealthy as his mother owned Swanson frozen foods which was sold off.
Well this confirms a statement I once heard on a YT video and thought maybe he changed. I do know he once laughed saying he never had to work if he didn't want to. When Tucker Carlson stated that he is not a man of the people, he was openly acknowledging that he does not identify with or represent the interests and concerns of the general population. Essentially, he was emphasizing that he does not see himself as a champion for the common person. This statement reflects his self-perception as someone who may hold different views or priorities compared to the average individual.
I liked this interview. Wasn't the best but it was informative. But I think many people who critique Putin based on being tedious or taking too long to address the points fail to realise this interview is for a Western audience whose historical education has been the holocaust and slavery. So, of course there's going to be time spent by Putin creating that foundation.
Yes I agree and would say that the most vulnerable ones to be affected by it are the young generations and us the older generations should help them NOT TO FALL IN THE THIS TRAP.
How? by getting first ourselves adults to search good sources, for information out of the MSM.....
Vou escrever em português esperando que seja possivel traduzir. A mim. simples cidadã dum país pobre situado na Europa, a impressão que esta entrevista me dá é reforçar a ideia que tenho de que o Presidente Putin tenta desesperadamente agradar ao Ocidente. O Ocidente que o humilhou aquando dos acordos de Helsínquia da maneira mais vergonhosa que eu vi. Foi enganado por chefes de estado desta europa miserável que vive da corrupção e para a corrupção. A Russia não precisa de nós, cidadãos classificados pelas elites como estando no estado mais baixo da sociedade. Há todos os perigos que o Professor Alexander Dugin foca, mas dar esta entrevista é para mim mais uma cedencia que ele está a fazer a povos semi-analfabetos que não fazem a minima ideia do que é a riqueza cultural Russa e o quanto ela está no topo de todos estes paises, e falo a nivel mundial. Vladimir Putin é único. Homem integro e honesto e correcto. Sempre.
entiendo Portuguès pero no lo escribo........Vladimir Putin es UNICO! Hombre Integro y correcto SIEMPRE! ahora en Inglès: VLADIMIR PUTIN IS THE ONLY ONE, UNIQUE! a man of Integrity and always Correct! Hurra Russia!
I get news stories from WAPO and NYT. In the past I commented on the comment lines: in vain. Although my comments were tame and balanced , I stopped contributing because they seem to disappear. For fun, I examined the tenor of comments from others on Tucker. The word “traitor” appeared with remarkable frequency.
In virtually no story on MSM has Putin been able to tell his side of the story. Maybe now he’ll get a chance with Tucker. Maybe now the news will spread about what the US/NATO have been up to in Ukraine since 2014
westerners versus easterners. its europe and freedom of press and peopole versus authoriitarian dictators basically. thats what it comes down to. In any case, NDEE gets most of its money and test from EPA. WIthout the EPA, Nebraska Department of Environment wouldnt have tools or money to clean up toxic waste. https://dnr.nebraska.gov/water-planning/clean-water-act
Dear Mr. Dugin, President Putin and all "idealistically-orientated" compatriots, personages and magistrates in Russia - brothers in actualizing the civilizing project of Traditionalist Christianity in the land of the Rus and Slavic territories attached thereto historically: Our historically inarguable, inalterable unitary bond of spiritual meta-political solidarity in Christ, is the common target and enemy of both "Atlantic" and "Eurasian" nationalities and polities, the present-day globalist overlords of hypertophied, super-centralized mass media and degenerated financial plutocracy, would have "each side" fail to remember and honor - to our intermutual self-immolation.
The globalist-nihilist media-finance cabal, ceaselessly attempts to inject into the veins of a de-spiritualized, de-Christianized European Christendom, East and West, the toxins of its anthropocidal, maniacal ideologism of the Apocalyptic "Beast"... This "Libertine-gnostic" globalist McMafia, conceptualizes as its unconditional private property, every last inch of our territorial households of our embattled populaces; where our American and Russian souls are its "playthings" and toys in its Luciferian hubris... The "real American" is the negation of "Homo Americanus" - a normal good person with a sense of decency, conscience and literacy... Vice versa, naturally, apropos the "real Russian"...
The revolutionary-nihilist globalist counter-elite's greatest strategic aim is to have both civilizational spaces of greatest military strength in this our crepuscular Christendom, Russia and America, view each other in propagandistic, dualist-Manichean terms, as incarnate representatives of pure evil. We defeat ourselves immediately on the cultural, existential and spiritual plane, the moment Russians or Americans, see each other in "demonological" lenses of perception, in herdist hysteria; if sunken in mind in such a manner, our disintegrative energies being unrestrained, the counter-elite awaits to further "weaponize" even more fatally these daemonic energies, our own "lesser selves", against each other, to our own mutually-assured, funereal extinction.
Tucker Carlson is indeed what a "normal" American is, dear comrades in anti-Nihilist Christianity - characterologically, psychically and otherwise... Unfortunately, perhaps due to a simplism of mentality and tragic passivity and suggestibility of the American psyche, having complex roots, our side has suffered more in the "spiritual warfare" than the obviously more robust, ethnic nuclei of our Traditional-Christian counterparts in the lands of the Rus and Slav...
All I can state here: American simplism is not a CONSCIOUS orientation, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive yours, and the whole worlds, as we forgive Russia, in our collective memories, in its disastrous Marxian "schism", which, so Providentially, the Russian nation has more than self-transcended of late due to conscientious, vigorous Christian patriotism, while we here in America, have subconsciously grown drunk on the "errors of Russia" (i.e., Marxist materialism, revolutionary nihilism, subversive anarchist sexual identity politics, etc.) we were warned against, by our humble seers... Have pity on the simple-minded American soul, and seek out and utilize to the advantage of our greater meta-political union, individuals like Tucker Carlson, remaining in our midst...
I pray one day, Russia and America might exist in something like a higher partnership of "upright" nations, bulwarks of Traditional-Christianity, setting my mental gaze past the contemporary, artificially-manufactured, counter-elite-engendered disequilibrium existing between us, the last two remaining possible "katechontic" military restrainers of the globalist McMafia Antichrist lawlessness...
What does Mr. Dugin mean when he says "No, it is not about Putin supporting Trump, which could easily be dismissed in the context of war with the United States." ?
Tucker represents the average American Citizen . Even when I do not "comulgate" as we say in Mèxico, with his "ideas", I agree on the importance of such a meeting hoping that YES it will serve HUMANITY! .....USA with Biden up front are guiding the planet towards its DESTRUCTION.
Yes you are spot on with Biden! The only thing he can do fast and with consistency is guide the planet towards destruction but pretends to be saving the planet, a devout Catholic while he is attacking all faith's including his own and anyone with an ounce of moral values.
what a load of popcorn. biden has ten times better moral values than racist vile at his rally trump -- telling penis jokes, and whispering to putin.
Like everything about Biden, his Catholicism is a convenience that cloaks him with a air of moral respectability. It's wholly contrived. Everything about the man is contrived. He's an elderly idiot.
biden is respectable. he was a bit off when his first wife got killed. and also the stuff with hunger aged him dramatically. because at bottom he is a family man. nah. the true catholics running are on the court imposing their religion on everybody else.
Apocalypse is always in front of our eyes but unveiling only to those willing to see. Three things stood out from the show. First, Mr Putins brilliant opening, class act, tactic learned from streets of St.Petersburg. Second, Mr Putins patience to explain what denatzification means parallel of cia showing clip from Canada. Thirdly, Mr Putins indirect way of educating about personal responsibility of ones actions, cause and effect. No clown can hide behind his master forever.
He seemed never to answer Tucker directly but rather let him discover the answer by explaining the context and historical realities. Notice also that he did not set up “straw men” and push them over. And he usually refused to quote others and paraphrase, telling Tucker to ask the person himself. Really impressive.
True. Additionally, Putin did note a few times that they agreed to "have a serious discussion" which mean serious, deeply considered answers to seemingly naive questions, that I m sure were asked for average western brainwashed citizen in mind.
Tucker Carlson is a front man (that's if he's not a woman) for the hijacking profiteers of the cabal known as the US corporate "government'. The US corporate government is another PMA or Private Membership Association in cohoots with the Vatican/Rome, Zionists, all the misleaders of countries (a country is an artificial construct as it is earth/land) they assumed for themselves to rule over. In essence, I do not need or want their playbook of mayhem and murder. And this goes for their media as well.
As the American people are mocked, scorned and played around with, their children being stolen, raped and murdered with abandon. Folks stood in long lines to receive the poison injection. Many have died rapidly and suddenly by a government that approved this C-19 deadly weapon. And these sheeple still rally around this government/media cyclops monster fiction. I don't see how the American people still DO NOT see the game being played but then again the misleaders figure 'we'll pull another one on them.' Hahahaha...laughing all the way to the bank!
Tucker was warned about interviewing Putin but sometimes you have to buck the system. Let's pray for his protection that he does not become another Julian Assange. Who cares what Hillary has to say but she spewed out that Tucker could become a useful idiot in regards to interviewing Putin and another said he could be charged with bogus espionage act by Russia. His real concern should be some of our three letter agencies of corruption. Maybe we'll get a clue of the hundreds of billions that were sent to a black hole in Ukraine. I recall a Ukraine news agent talking to a US News outlet saying we are fighting this war for the U.S. and the New World Order. High Russia military revealed dozens of biolabs and children who were chained to concrete floors without proper sanitation and food. This was quickly swept under the rug just like the Afghanistan withdrawal. Liberals have become too liberal for me and it's clear it's a form of mental illness. I really thought that when Trump left office that a bottle of evil had been opened up but this has been going on for over a decade. You can see it all over the TV. I just wasn't watching it. I have been criticized of being brainwashed by Fox News but it sure seemed saner to me.
Tucker is a part of the three letter agencies. Truly he was born an and raised in the deep state. He’s not a rebel beyond appearances. That’s not to say the State isn’t allowing him to be useful for potentially communicating with an “enemy” and perhaps even soft diplomacy since we fucked Ukraine project so badly.
They would also very much like to have a rapprochement with Russia and focus on containing China's rise.
I heard something like this before and when I heard all the softball questions to Putin I was actually disappointed. Even Putin himself was disappointed saying he was prepared to answer any questions Tucker had. Tucker was born wealthy as his mother owned Swanson frozen foods which was sold off.
Have you looked into his dad?
Just heard he was CIA. Can you share anything specific and relevant?
Good background for you.
I will have to do that.
Check it out for his background.
Well this confirms a statement I once heard on a YT video and thought maybe he changed. I do know he once laughed saying he never had to work if he didn't want to. When Tucker Carlson stated that he is not a man of the people, he was openly acknowledging that he does not identify with or represent the interests and concerns of the general population. Essentially, he was emphasizing that he does not see himself as a champion for the common person. This statement reflects his self-perception as someone who may hold different views or priorities compared to the average individual.
I liked this interview. Wasn't the best but it was informative. But I think many people who critique Putin based on being tedious or taking too long to address the points fail to realise this interview is for a Western audience whose historical education has been the holocaust and slavery. So, of course there's going to be time spent by Putin creating that foundation.
The control of minds and information is more powerful and more effective than any physical weapon in existence.
Yes I agree and would say that the most vulnerable ones to be affected by it are the young generations and us the older generations should help them NOT TO FALL IN THE THIS TRAP.
How? by getting first ourselves adults to search good sources, for information out of the MSM.....
Vou escrever em português esperando que seja possivel traduzir. A mim. simples cidadã dum país pobre situado na Europa, a impressão que esta entrevista me dá é reforçar a ideia que tenho de que o Presidente Putin tenta desesperadamente agradar ao Ocidente. O Ocidente que o humilhou aquando dos acordos de Helsínquia da maneira mais vergonhosa que eu vi. Foi enganado por chefes de estado desta europa miserável que vive da corrupção e para a corrupção. A Russia não precisa de nós, cidadãos classificados pelas elites como estando no estado mais baixo da sociedade. Há todos os perigos que o Professor Alexander Dugin foca, mas dar esta entrevista é para mim mais uma cedencia que ele está a fazer a povos semi-analfabetos que não fazem a minima ideia do que é a riqueza cultural Russa e o quanto ela está no topo de todos estes paises, e falo a nivel mundial. Vladimir Putin é único. Homem integro e honesto e correcto. Sempre.
Viva a Russia.
entiendo Portuguès pero no lo escribo........Vladimir Putin es UNICO! Hombre Integro y correcto SIEMPRE! ahora en Inglès: VLADIMIR PUTIN IS THE ONLY ONE, UNIQUE! a man of Integrity and always Correct! Hurra Russia!
As always, thank you for the translations.
I get news stories from WAPO and NYT. In the past I commented on the comment lines: in vain. Although my comments were tame and balanced , I stopped contributing because they seem to disappear. For fun, I examined the tenor of comments from others on Tucker. The word “traitor” appeared with remarkable frequency.
In virtually no story on MSM has Putin been able to tell his side of the story. Maybe now he’ll get a chance with Tucker. Maybe now the news will spread about what the US/NATO have been up to in Ukraine since 2014
nice to know you exist. just saying. I;ll be off now.
westerners versus easterners. its europe and freedom of press and peopole versus authoriitarian dictators basically. thats what it comes down to. In any case, NDEE gets most of its money and test from EPA. WIthout the EPA, Nebraska Department of Environment wouldnt have tools or money to clean up toxic waste. https://dnr.nebraska.gov/water-planning/clean-water-act
Dear Mr. Dugin, President Putin and all "idealistically-orientated" compatriots, personages and magistrates in Russia - brothers in actualizing the civilizing project of Traditionalist Christianity in the land of the Rus and Slavic territories attached thereto historically: Our historically inarguable, inalterable unitary bond of spiritual meta-political solidarity in Christ, is the common target and enemy of both "Atlantic" and "Eurasian" nationalities and polities, the present-day globalist overlords of hypertophied, super-centralized mass media and degenerated financial plutocracy, would have "each side" fail to remember and honor - to our intermutual self-immolation.
The globalist-nihilist media-finance cabal, ceaselessly attempts to inject into the veins of a de-spiritualized, de-Christianized European Christendom, East and West, the toxins of its anthropocidal, maniacal ideologism of the Apocalyptic "Beast"... This "Libertine-gnostic" globalist McMafia, conceptualizes as its unconditional private property, every last inch of our territorial households of our embattled populaces; where our American and Russian souls are its "playthings" and toys in its Luciferian hubris... The "real American" is the negation of "Homo Americanus" - a normal good person with a sense of decency, conscience and literacy... Vice versa, naturally, apropos the "real Russian"...
The revolutionary-nihilist globalist counter-elite's greatest strategic aim is to have both civilizational spaces of greatest military strength in this our crepuscular Christendom, Russia and America, view each other in propagandistic, dualist-Manichean terms, as incarnate representatives of pure evil. We defeat ourselves immediately on the cultural, existential and spiritual plane, the moment Russians or Americans, see each other in "demonological" lenses of perception, in herdist hysteria; if sunken in mind in such a manner, our disintegrative energies being unrestrained, the counter-elite awaits to further "weaponize" even more fatally these daemonic energies, our own "lesser selves", against each other, to our own mutually-assured, funereal extinction.
Tucker Carlson is indeed what a "normal" American is, dear comrades in anti-Nihilist Christianity - characterologically, psychically and otherwise... Unfortunately, perhaps due to a simplism of mentality and tragic passivity and suggestibility of the American psyche, having complex roots, our side has suffered more in the "spiritual warfare" than the obviously more robust, ethnic nuclei of our Traditional-Christian counterparts in the lands of the Rus and Slav...
All I can state here: American simplism is not a CONSCIOUS orientation, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive yours, and the whole worlds, as we forgive Russia, in our collective memories, in its disastrous Marxian "schism", which, so Providentially, the Russian nation has more than self-transcended of late due to conscientious, vigorous Christian patriotism, while we here in America, have subconsciously grown drunk on the "errors of Russia" (i.e., Marxist materialism, revolutionary nihilism, subversive anarchist sexual identity politics, etc.) we were warned against, by our humble seers... Have pity on the simple-minded American soul, and seek out and utilize to the advantage of our greater meta-political union, individuals like Tucker Carlson, remaining in our midst...
I pray one day, Russia and America might exist in something like a higher partnership of "upright" nations, bulwarks of Traditional-Christianity, setting my mental gaze past the contemporary, artificially-manufactured, counter-elite-engendered disequilibrium existing between us, the last two remaining possible "katechontic" military restrainers of the globalist McMafia Antichrist lawlessness...
Only Carlson could go to Russia.
Hahaha. Arktos has become a Qtarded hotspot. Too funny!
What does Mr. Dugin mean when he says "No, it is not about Putin supporting Trump, which could easily be dismissed in the context of war with the United States." ?
This is a very important question in my opinion.
If the Reality is only so simple