I think the left knew exactly what they were doing. This was a debate to get rid of Biden. They've defended him constantly over the last few years despite his failing intellectual capabilities and now suddenly, they all, in lockstep, attack him. Looks like a plan to me, not a miscalculation.
No Pity for Biden. He is a power hungry narcissist who wants to stay. Instead of serving as commander and chief, he lets his wife and handlers do the job and change his diapers.
Trump vs. Big Mike. Probable, if they haven’t realized that it is a lost battle because there’s been too much exposure to that rotten part of the Dems. This should be good for as long as it is allowed to last. I think other events may intervene i.e. a hot war caused by some unexpected explosions in the sky, against a backdrop of a pandemic.
Or a panic of a leaderless mob of braying herd animals that realize they have no shepherd and the Sheepdogs are… over chatting with their cousins the wolves.
Trump as a Cesar in the Spenglerian model is wishful thinking at its most pitiful and bland and a complete misunderstanding of Spengler and history at that! Neoclowns, banksters, corporate manager class are the equites of today, and all Trump ever wanted was to be accepted in their club and serve their jooish masters.
I think the left knew exactly what they were doing. This was a debate to get rid of Biden. They've defended him constantly over the last few years despite his failing intellectual capabilities and now suddenly, they all, in lockstep, attack him. Looks like a plan to me, not a miscalculation.
No Pity for Biden. He is a power hungry narcissist who wants to stay. Instead of serving as commander and chief, he lets his wife and handlers do the job and change his diapers.
I agree with the Inmate. The road is now clear for Michelle Obama to rise up and save the country
Trump vs. Big Mike. Probable, if they haven’t realized that it is a lost battle because there’s been too much exposure to that rotten part of the Dems. This should be good for as long as it is allowed to last. I think other events may intervene i.e. a hot war caused by some unexpected explosions in the sky, against a backdrop of a pandemic.
God Help Us!
I witness the pity ending of joe Biden
As for Trump is will be the spring board needed to new politics
A necessary springboard into ah a period of ah experiencing technical difficulties please stand by…
Esoteric… nothing that esoteric
Panic has an Order all its own.
Or a panic of a leaderless mob of braying herd animals that realize they have no shepherd and the Sheepdogs are… over chatting with their cousins the wolves.
Panic has an Order all its own.
Trump as a Cesar in the Spenglerian model is wishful thinking at its most pitiful and bland and a complete misunderstanding of Spengler and history at that! Neoclowns, banksters, corporate manager class are the equites of today, and all Trump ever wanted was to be accepted in their club and serve their jooish masters.