"This third path wants to disengage from conflict, live independently, and be left alone."
^As much as Trump supporters want this, there are still plenty of Trump supporters that simply hate the Dems. To the extent that there are Trump supporters who neither want Democratic Party or old-school Republican Party politics to control America, perhaps this country can follow this third path. As a non-voter, I am skeptical because I see Trump more as a symptom of malaise. His supporters do not adequately hold him accountable when Trump decides to follow the path of old-school Republican Party politics. I would begin to vote again if I saw that THE CANDIDATE was actually ideologically committed to this third path. I fear that Trump may simply be seeking the glory of office abut be too impressionable to put us all on this path. But with the grace of God and a little luck, there is a chance -- for damn sure one that does not currently exist with a Harris administration. We should just build our own country and avoid war, we are being drained by taking the wrong paths for so long.
It has become abundantly clear that even the right-wing traditionalists have split into two camps. Those who wish to return to a more wholesome classical culture, family-based, less technological reliance, aka the original concept of making America and Europe great again. To butt out of interfering with other countries and back to the land for more old-fashioned ways of functioning and leaving a multipolar order of some kind.
Now, the second faction consists of those believing that a Faustian Second Religiousness needs to come in the form of technological progression of Man on the Moon, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, etc. The side is now supported and funded by people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk, Space X, Silicon Valley, etc, who have clearly turned their back on the more originally traditionalist group for Space, Technology, Fame, and Money. In reality, this is a far more liberal, if not left-wing, way of looking at the myth of progress.
From a Spengler or Toynbee perspective, the realignment of futuristic technology is absurd and delusional. The internal proletariat and Second Religiousness are to be popularised by the ordinary working man of nature and the small towns and villages, while the Dominant Minority and Caesarism are to be popularised by the city intellect and academia with no genuine beliefs outside of infinite space and globalism digitization.
I think in the long run, the cities and technology will all collapse, leaving no choice but for those who are sick of the dull, droning nonsense of the intellectual debates, books, podcasts, etc., which endlessly go on and on for decades to leave it to die with the fallen parts of the West and go back to growing food, fewer machines, etc.
I agree with your perspective and this is a good comment. But I think intellect, books, podcast etc play a better, more positive role sans conflict. We cannot go backwards; it is not human nature. Moving forward can be bad if we continue on our current path, but positive if we take this Third Path the author mentions. That being said, I think people are entirely hope-casting too much with Trump. I wish I was intellectually confident for Trump in a way that I only see SOME Trump supporters to be emotionally confident with.
I agree that connecting through books, podcasts, etc., is best. Still, in terms of wanting to become more advanced in war and space, then it seems the technological resources are likely to be poured into things like getting to Mars, setting up a digital currency system, or creating a brain chip, which at this stage sounds very sci-fi but bizarrely seems to be the direction a lot of Trump's sponsors and supporters want to go.
It looks like the deep state is publicly changing, but because a lot of Trump supporters like this kind of billionaire, then it's OK for Trump to be a puppet.
I'm not for or against Trump, so it's interesting to watch on from the UK as a spectator. I think the next few presidents will have their Winston Churchill, essentially the final nail of the Empire, before it peters out and becomes just one among many other cultures on the same level of power. So, a natural multipolar world order could emerge from it.
Cheers to that haha. I agree that space war and Mars is all bs too. I remember a long time ago in college I had a friend that was religious that said (paraphrasing) he believed Space was created as uninhabitable and dangerous so that we constantly try to make heaven on Earth instead of going full-Faustian, infinite space. I think about that all the time.
This is indeed the Propagnda Trump, "HIgh Noon", "The Man Who Shot LIberty Valence" or "The Battle Cry of Freedom" which does extract Caucasian Heroics but mostly as Comic Book Heroes which are easily the silliest part of the article-Trumpsty Dumpster is 78 years old, 6'3" and pushing 300 lbs.
He is a Great Showman. So was P.T. Barnum, a founding Republican in 1854 along with mesmerists, vegans, Feminists, Free Sex, Transcentalist, experiment comunites and Karl Marx, not to mention Abolitionsits.
Democrats and Republicans became the Uni-Party in 1896-Jennings vs McKinley-the Holy Businessman (think Clavinism), open borders, inflationary money and protective tarriffs.
see Murray Rothbard on American History who is a little harsh on "statism" but will certainly disillusion.
Trump is just another Amreican Cuck and most likley the last of the empire: think "Churchill and the jews".
Enjoy your entertainment while you pretend this asshole is your friend.
Soon enough you will have to defend this asshole when he does a massive amnesty and god knows what else. He will cuck you with the mother of all cuckings.
Amazing…this guy avoided the draft by claiming bone spurs in a fake doctor’s note and once said that the danger he faced avoiding venereal disease was his “personal Viet Nam.” This is yet another article attempting to mythologize someone who is essentially a morally bankrupt fraud and charlatan. But what it really speaks of is the desperate need that some people have for a “western” savior. There isn’t one.
I just have to comment on Space Marine Trump: love it! I'm skeptical of Fat Orange Retard but damn some Adeptus Astartes imagery and I'm all inspired.
"This third path wants to disengage from conflict, live independently, and be left alone."
^As much as Trump supporters want this, there are still plenty of Trump supporters that simply hate the Dems. To the extent that there are Trump supporters who neither want Democratic Party or old-school Republican Party politics to control America, perhaps this country can follow this third path. As a non-voter, I am skeptical because I see Trump more as a symptom of malaise. His supporters do not adequately hold him accountable when Trump decides to follow the path of old-school Republican Party politics. I would begin to vote again if I saw that THE CANDIDATE was actually ideologically committed to this third path. I fear that Trump may simply be seeking the glory of office abut be too impressionable to put us all on this path. But with the grace of God and a little luck, there is a chance -- for damn sure one that does not currently exist with a Harris administration. We should just build our own country and avoid war, we are being drained by taking the wrong paths for so long.
It has become abundantly clear that even the right-wing traditionalists have split into two camps. Those who wish to return to a more wholesome classical culture, family-based, less technological reliance, aka the original concept of making America and Europe great again. To butt out of interfering with other countries and back to the land for more old-fashioned ways of functioning and leaving a multipolar order of some kind.
Now, the second faction consists of those believing that a Faustian Second Religiousness needs to come in the form of technological progression of Man on the Moon, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, etc. The side is now supported and funded by people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk, Space X, Silicon Valley, etc, who have clearly turned their back on the more originally traditionalist group for Space, Technology, Fame, and Money. In reality, this is a far more liberal, if not left-wing, way of looking at the myth of progress.
From a Spengler or Toynbee perspective, the realignment of futuristic technology is absurd and delusional. The internal proletariat and Second Religiousness are to be popularised by the ordinary working man of nature and the small towns and villages, while the Dominant Minority and Caesarism are to be popularised by the city intellect and academia with no genuine beliefs outside of infinite space and globalism digitization.
I think in the long run, the cities and technology will all collapse, leaving no choice but for those who are sick of the dull, droning nonsense of the intellectual debates, books, podcasts, etc., which endlessly go on and on for decades to leave it to die with the fallen parts of the West and go back to growing food, fewer machines, etc.
I agree with your perspective and this is a good comment. But I think intellect, books, podcast etc play a better, more positive role sans conflict. We cannot go backwards; it is not human nature. Moving forward can be bad if we continue on our current path, but positive if we take this Third Path the author mentions. That being said, I think people are entirely hope-casting too much with Trump. I wish I was intellectually confident for Trump in a way that I only see SOME Trump supporters to be emotionally confident with.
I agree that connecting through books, podcasts, etc., is best. Still, in terms of wanting to become more advanced in war and space, then it seems the technological resources are likely to be poured into things like getting to Mars, setting up a digital currency system, or creating a brain chip, which at this stage sounds very sci-fi but bizarrely seems to be the direction a lot of Trump's sponsors and supporters want to go.
It looks like the deep state is publicly changing, but because a lot of Trump supporters like this kind of billionaire, then it's OK for Trump to be a puppet.
I'm not for or against Trump, so it's interesting to watch on from the UK as a spectator. I think the next few presidents will have their Winston Churchill, essentially the final nail of the Empire, before it peters out and becomes just one among many other cultures on the same level of power. So, a natural multipolar world order could emerge from it.
Cheers to that haha. I agree that space war and Mars is all bs too. I remember a long time ago in college I had a friend that was religious that said (paraphrasing) he believed Space was created as uninhabitable and dangerous so that we constantly try to make heaven on Earth instead of going full-Faustian, infinite space. I think about that all the time.
This is indeed the Propagnda Trump, "HIgh Noon", "The Man Who Shot LIberty Valence" or "The Battle Cry of Freedom" which does extract Caucasian Heroics but mostly as Comic Book Heroes which are easily the silliest part of the article-Trumpsty Dumpster is 78 years old, 6'3" and pushing 300 lbs.
He is a Great Showman. So was P.T. Barnum, a founding Republican in 1854 along with mesmerists, vegans, Feminists, Free Sex, Transcentalist, experiment comunites and Karl Marx, not to mention Abolitionsits.
Democrats and Republicans became the Uni-Party in 1896-Jennings vs McKinley-the Holy Businessman (think Clavinism), open borders, inflationary money and protective tarriffs.
see Murray Rothbard on American History who is a little harsh on "statism" but will certainly disillusion.
Trump is just another Amreican Cuck and most likley the last of the empire: think "Churchill and the jews".
Enjoy your entertainment while you pretend this asshole is your friend.
Soon enough you will have to defend this asshole when he does a massive amnesty and god knows what else. He will cuck you with the mother of all cuckings.
Amazing…this guy avoided the draft by claiming bone spurs in a fake doctor’s note and once said that the danger he faced avoiding venereal disease was his “personal Viet Nam.” This is yet another article attempting to mythologize someone who is essentially a morally bankrupt fraud and charlatan. But what it really speaks of is the desperate need that some people have for a “western” savior. There isn’t one.
American WP's Henry II.