Mar 29·edited Mar 29

Reaction IMO is not possible. Technological advances prohibit it. We'll never go back to carrirer pigeons or even "snail mail" and give up the internet. The Congress of Vienna in 1815 was the most complete reaction ever but last only 15 years until another wave of revolutions and in fact yielded to some of Napoleon's reforms as necessary while imposing caricatures of the piety of the past.

The attitude toward war IMO is one that will and should change from pre-world war status. Most of what Marx said about it and imperialism proved true while conquoring foriegn peoples isn't as easy as it used to be , most of which was accomplised by inferior numbers with superior technology. It took courage and a heroic vision but it also ended in the decay and weatlh Gibbon talks about: wealth for a few and they are they ones presenlty driving our demise.

No one felt that way about it in the 19th Century when colonial adventure was a test of manhood. Today's Westrn armies can't recruit and dare not conscript. There is also the emergin view that the world wars were fratricidal and no one wants to fight anything like that again visa vie Russia & Ukraine. The realities of Zionism are becoming ever more clear as well as a universal revaluation of war itself, a very fundmental thing. True, military virtues are being lost but that they couldbe maintained only at the expense of having an enemy was always the down side and in a nuclear age, devaastating. Even conventional weapons render courage and valor of far less value than stand off target acquistion technology. Iraq buried its inferior MIG 25s during the IRaq War rather than lose them entirely which had nothing to do with the pilots. EVen the Iran-Iraq War proceeded in spurts and fits with a technical edge was gained here and there.

Occupying foreign lands proved more costly than it was worth prior to WW2 although th eimperial idea still regined as the Palestinian Mandate and Ethiopian Occupation proved almost immediately. The rapidity with which the European Empires collpapsed during the Cold War, after the epic vicotry over the "Nazis" (tm) should have prompted a "multi-polar" view long before Alexander Dugin an dmay may had not the USSR been as expandsionist as the US.

What both did inadvertantly was spread the idea of republic vs traidtional monarchies as well as various aspects of Western liberalism, particularly indepndance. Al Sisi, Erdogen and bin Slamon probably are not going to hold onto power as Western proteges much longer. Their differences with each other and Iran and Syria proving less than with US-Israel post-colonial colonialism. None of these domains had any real aspirtaions under Ottoman rule whatever might have been said. Not even the Amrenian Massacre provoked a viable indpendance movement which waited until Britain instigated treachery with offers of recognition.

Strangely enough, the American-European Progs and Neo-Cons now are basically Victorian imperialists in new clothes but are so fantastically out of touch with reality that Macron challenges Russia with the direct intervention of a 7,000 man army while Schultz steps up artillery shell production which will eventually put Germany in the same positon. Polish farmers reject cheap Ukrainian wheat while Tusk contemplates invasion.

The only good thing you can say about FDR, Stalin and Churchill is that today's rendition is even worse.

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Though there's points of this analysis I totally agree with (I do support ethnic states and identities, the world is far more interesting and dynamic that way), it rings somehow nostalgic of a colonial/imperial past, during which the western “dream” was built (but never admitted) on the graves of “inferior” races/ countries. A new era is dawning, where this “superiority” will be challenged to death. And this is good news for everyone, westerners included https://open.substack.com/pub/robert94015/p/hate-and-stupidity-are-destroying?r=15jk12&utm_medium=ios

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Bravo. Let’s remember as we marinate in that which precedes us, we are marinating in the ancient recipe of our current, and recurrent, predicament. What is any nation, any race, to the justice of eternity?

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