Exactly, once you get past all of the lies about fascism, you’ll see this revival in Russia, China, and others breaking from “Western Hegemony” is the exact path Germany took after 1933. Take back national sovereignty, re-establish tradition, and further build on the civilizational roots. The Fascists also inspired all sorts of real independence movements in the colonial lands of England and France, to do the same thing. The Fascists lost, and the independence movements were co-opted by Empire-installed puppets (e.g. Ghandi in India), and the neo-colonial era aka Western Hegemony, Rules Based Order, Globalism, whatever you want to call it, began. What we are seeing in Russia is a parallel to Fascist Germany, down to disloyal influential citizens relocating to New York, London, and Palestine.
As well as Russia leading BRICS, to fuel the real independence of the Western neo-colonies, aka “the global south”. Unfortunately due to sacrifice of the Russian people to destroy Germany and Fascism under Soviet rule, it’s not possible for Russia to declare today that they are actually completing the Fascist project, hence dancing around it and creating new terminology.
This is somewhere in Russia a year ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWLZ4sDhf_M. This looks like some city in Europe or USA. Can somebody explain to me how to go from that to something which is not continuation of the same thing which lead Russia to this state, going from Bolshevism, Sovietism to Liberalism?
That's why I think that any renewal will not involve the masses, but only vital elements which are already and continued to be bearers of Tradition. This has nothing to do with Russia in particular, since those vital elements are not necessarily related to any country or "pole" in the "multipolar" world. Some other "awakened" individuals might also be involved in the renewal, but the rest of the masses are going to be integrated into something which will come after the Great Reset, which will be even more anti-traditional than what we have today.
Les initiés anglo-saxons autant que le Vatican et les jésuites ont connaissance d'un fait de l'histoire occulte concernant l'avenir de la race Slave, laquelle devrait dans le futur parvenir à un haut niveau de civilisation, et quand on dit civilisation, il faut bien comprendre que la société actuelle n'est pas encore arrivée à ce point, le but de ces initiés est d'empêcher cette réalisation, car alors la Russie et les Slaves se hisseraient à un haut niveau de spiritualité, c'est pour cela que le programme bolchevique a été imposé à la Russie. Cette stratégie a permis de faire reculer la Russie pendant près d'un siècle en tentant de dénaturer les qualités d'âme de son peuple. mais une protection spirituelle a maintenu dans le peuple russe le flambeau de la foi. Ce peuple, libéré du joug bolchevique, se voit confronté à l'américanisation. Ce premier succès dans la libération de l'âme russe est à nouveau menacé par une influence double : d'un côté le matérialisme occidental et, de l'autre, le retour à une religiosité rétrograde qui n'est pas en accord avec les nouvelles valeurs spirituelles de l'ère du Verseau. L'avenir est donc incertain et le monde entier risque de tomber entièrement sous le joug de l'américanisme si le rempart qu'est la Russie s'effondre.
Professor Dugin, what's going to happen when Putin will not able to continue leading your country any more? Do Russians have an alternative leader who help you to straighten your country in the near future? What kind of leader do Russians have to choose? Thank you for your material.
Russian national idea is an Enigma, a thing in itself. Matreshka of sorts. If somebody could explain it in a plain language the person should get a Nobel Prize no questions asked. There is a similarity with another Imperial nation - the Civil War in the States, north and south of the river. And that was never fully resolved or talked about since Kennedy's presidency. Damn Yankees, damn Yankees, Damn Yankees (spoken to the Northerner by the Southerner for the needed outcome)
Every civilization-state should have a government that fits its culture, that was built by the people who are from the culture. This diversity is scary to some, but reflects Nature more than ideological interventionism into other culture's ways of being.
Something similar is happening in the West, although as yet few realize. The classical liberal values on which the West was built have failed, and society - every aspect of it - is decaying fast. Only the young realize it. Both young Left and young Right despise many or most of the classical liberal values. Tolerance, freedom of speech and assembly, loyalty to the police regime in exchange for individual freedom.
The Left is fumbling toward an alternative, waging a slow-motion, next-generation (non-Marxist), open source (no center) revolution. They are winning on all fronts. Even at this late stage, there is little organized opposition.
The young right is inchoate, but in rebellion against the oldster conservatives.
Both seek new values. We will see is Nietzsche was correct, and new values can only be found in the void - and monsters dwell there.
Professor Dugin is a very smart man, and a keen observer of what has transpired in Russia since the days of the USSR. He has the ability of self-examination, in the sense that he can critically examine that which he lives and works within. I wish Russia all the best on the path they've chosen. The alternative, as currently formulated by the Collective West, is a dead end.
Dugin: "I want the dictionary definition of Fascism without calling it Fascism"
Exactly, once you get past all of the lies about fascism, you’ll see this revival in Russia, China, and others breaking from “Western Hegemony” is the exact path Germany took after 1933. Take back national sovereignty, re-establish tradition, and further build on the civilizational roots. The Fascists also inspired all sorts of real independence movements in the colonial lands of England and France, to do the same thing. The Fascists lost, and the independence movements were co-opted by Empire-installed puppets (e.g. Ghandi in India), and the neo-colonial era aka Western Hegemony, Rules Based Order, Globalism, whatever you want to call it, began. What we are seeing in Russia is a parallel to Fascist Germany, down to disloyal influential citizens relocating to New York, London, and Palestine.
As well as Russia leading BRICS, to fuel the real independence of the Western neo-colonies, aka “the global south”. Unfortunately due to sacrifice of the Russian people to destroy Germany and Fascism under Soviet rule, it’s not possible for Russia to declare today that they are actually completing the Fascist project, hence dancing around it and creating new terminology.
Couldn't say it better myself Andy. Good luck in China or wherever it is you're fighting for freedom from Globohomo
This is somewhere in Russia a year ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWLZ4sDhf_M. This looks like some city in Europe or USA. Can somebody explain to me how to go from that to something which is not continuation of the same thing which lead Russia to this state, going from Bolshevism, Sovietism to Liberalism?
That's why I think that any renewal will not involve the masses, but only vital elements which are already and continued to be bearers of Tradition. This has nothing to do with Russia in particular, since those vital elements are not necessarily related to any country or "pole" in the "multipolar" world. Some other "awakened" individuals might also be involved in the renewal, but the rest of the masses are going to be integrated into something which will come after the Great Reset, which will be even more anti-traditional than what we have today.
Les initiés anglo-saxons autant que le Vatican et les jésuites ont connaissance d'un fait de l'histoire occulte concernant l'avenir de la race Slave, laquelle devrait dans le futur parvenir à un haut niveau de civilisation, et quand on dit civilisation, il faut bien comprendre que la société actuelle n'est pas encore arrivée à ce point, le but de ces initiés est d'empêcher cette réalisation, car alors la Russie et les Slaves se hisseraient à un haut niveau de spiritualité, c'est pour cela que le programme bolchevique a été imposé à la Russie. Cette stratégie a permis de faire reculer la Russie pendant près d'un siècle en tentant de dénaturer les qualités d'âme de son peuple. mais une protection spirituelle a maintenu dans le peuple russe le flambeau de la foi. Ce peuple, libéré du joug bolchevique, se voit confronté à l'américanisation. Ce premier succès dans la libération de l'âme russe est à nouveau menacé par une influence double : d'un côté le matérialisme occidental et, de l'autre, le retour à une religiosité rétrograde qui n'est pas en accord avec les nouvelles valeurs spirituelles de l'ère du Verseau. L'avenir est donc incertain et le monde entier risque de tomber entièrement sous le joug de l'américanisme si le rempart qu'est la Russie s'effondre.
Professor Dugin, what's going to happen when Putin will not able to continue leading your country any more? Do Russians have an alternative leader who help you to straighten your country in the near future? What kind of leader do Russians have to choose? Thank you for your material.
There are no real Fascists in Ukraine, tho. Only genocidal scum backed by jewish and american money.
It’s like saying the KKK has any actual ideology, which is false. It is just ethnic resentment.
Russian national idea is an Enigma, a thing in itself. Matreshka of sorts. If somebody could explain it in a plain language the person should get a Nobel Prize no questions asked. There is a similarity with another Imperial nation - the Civil War in the States, north and south of the river. And that was never fully resolved or talked about since Kennedy's presidency. Damn Yankees, damn Yankees, Damn Yankees (spoken to the Northerner by the Southerner for the needed outcome)
And by discovering her path, Russia will help save the world.
Every civilization-state should have a government that fits its culture, that was built by the people who are from the culture. This diversity is scary to some, but reflects Nature more than ideological interventionism into other culture's ways of being.
Something similar is happening in the West, although as yet few realize. The classical liberal values on which the West was built have failed, and society - every aspect of it - is decaying fast. Only the young realize it. Both young Left and young Right despise many or most of the classical liberal values. Tolerance, freedom of speech and assembly, loyalty to the police regime in exchange for individual freedom.
The Left is fumbling toward an alternative, waging a slow-motion, next-generation (non-Marxist), open source (no center) revolution. They are winning on all fronts. Even at this late stage, there is little organized opposition.
The young right is inchoate, but in rebellion against the oldster conservatives.
Both seek new values. We will see is Nietzsche was correct, and new values can only be found in the void - and monsters dwell there.
Professor Dugin is a very smart man, and a keen observer of what has transpired in Russia since the days of the USSR. He has the ability of self-examination, in the sense that he can critically examine that which he lives and works within. I wish Russia all the best on the path they've chosen. The alternative, as currently formulated by the Collective West, is a dead end.
What I expected from Dugin