Your statement : „ It was also at her gates that the ferocious hordes of the star and crescent were stopped a few centuries ago by the common efforts of different European armies. „
Please don’t redact the history - it was the Polish King Jan Sobieski in 1683 and his superior Polish Hussars who singularly decimated Turks at the siege of Vienna and saved Europe from slavery - it was Poland who saved Christian Europe then and it was Poland in 1920 who saved Europe from the Bolshevik satanic hordes marching on Europe - a small , less than a million, Polish Army decisively annihilated 5.5 million Red Army at the gates of Warsaw in August of 1920.
This was of course not meant to minimise in any way the chief role and victory of Poland in the mentioned battle, only to point out the spirit of European cooperation - since other Europeans also fought at the gates of Vienna - against the foreign threat, which is also needed today.
What a sad thing is happening to a city I love.
Your statement : „ It was also at her gates that the ferocious hordes of the star and crescent were stopped a few centuries ago by the common efforts of different European armies. „
Please don’t redact the history - it was the Polish King Jan Sobieski in 1683 and his superior Polish Hussars who singularly decimated Turks at the siege of Vienna and saved Europe from slavery - it was Poland who saved Christian Europe then and it was Poland in 1920 who saved Europe from the Bolshevik satanic hordes marching on Europe - a small , less than a million, Polish Army decisively annihilated 5.5 million Red Army at the gates of Warsaw in August of 1920.
This was of course not meant to minimise in any way the chief role and victory of Poland in the mentioned battle, only to point out the spirit of European cooperation - since other Europeans also fought at the gates of Vienna - against the foreign threat, which is also needed today.