Does this mean BlackRock doesn'y get to rebuild Ukraine?

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A poor take. Any logical conclusion should require more evidence than “A German Said So”.

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Interesting, but I strongly doubt, given contemporaneous US exercises over the exact spot, that anyone but the US was an operational actor in this event. Won’t stop the lie factory from blaming it on Duda and Zelensky, of course.

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The fingers pointing at Mr. Green T-Shirt and Mr. Duda are being directed, of course, by the US regime, since the pipeline was destroyed by the US itself. After all, Biden explicitly announced the US would do so. Sometimes, even politicians speak true words.

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It takes dementia, but yes, they sometimes do.

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Yes, the sow eating it’s own farrow..!

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Lol, the Kirsk operation is over? Mr. Vogel needs to drink some more copium. The Ukranians are largely unopposed in the Kursk region and only held back because they didn't move enough men forward. Belgorod is likely next. Kissinger's buddy, Putin, has consistently refused to mobilize troops and end this. Relying on conscripts, PMCs, zeks, and Central Asians show offs is not a winning strategy. Everyone knew the West was behind the Nord Stream bombing. Oh but this time, it's going to matter. The media still won't report on this unless Cabal has said so and plans to pivot to Iran.

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The operation is unsustainable, the personell & equipment lost are irreplaceable. The inevetable defeat will be sooner as those troops may possibly have been able to hold off the russians much longer instead their being wasted for a temporary at best gain.

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You may be right. The Russians have the same problem however. Shoigu sold off most of the equipment Russia had. Putin refuses to mobilize en masse and the gas is still flowing. It's all globalist theater to kill a whole bunch of Slavs.

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