"Sex, Drugs and rock'n'Roll" was a cop out by the "elite" who declined thier officer commissions but for the conscripts who fought and were then hated for it, it was rebellion against the same creatures who continue profiteering today.
To make it all worse : as before rock, pop, rap, etc. was part of youth culture today adults and even seniors are still listening to and going to concerts of that music. It makes for a pathetic world where adults behave as children.
This is a worn argument because there is some truth in it but it's not the whole tomale.
Popular music today is the troubadour of old, bawdy vs the Gregorian Chant or Handel's "Messiah".
It was also the "Marsellaise"
the "Rajieen" for Palestine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug0L5S2Qzwg
the ""Réveillez-vous, Picards!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjrGj6tYrN0
Geyers schwarzen Haufen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_1oYG7toRQ
or today's Faun, "Tanz mhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXreSAXf1V8it Mir"
It's also Shaman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beXW5s3ZCB4
or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQUiYm6iK7c as women have always bid their men farewell to war.
"Sex, Drugs and rock'n'Roll" was a cop out by the "elite" who declined thier officer commissions but for the conscripts who fought and were then hated for it, it was rebellion against the same creatures who continue profiteering today.
Let's give them the IRA:
To make it all worse : as before rock, pop, rap, etc. was part of youth culture today adults and even seniors are still listening to and going to concerts of that music. It makes for a pathetic world where adults behave as children.
Rosca expressed more or less my own sentiments: mass culture is barbarism.