There is no other alternative - the grandstanding - the pontificating - the regurgitated platitudes - the vacuous threats - the crossed red lines - and the egregious lies. Never has Israel and the US been at a greater deficit - despised and loathed by the entire world - both on the precipitance of total and complete economic and military collapse. All of this boils down to the trade routes and shipping corridors and the race for control.

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Quite correct. Learn from other people's successes or else you will have to learn from your own failures.

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The law of the strongest is for animals not for human communities!

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Unfortunately there is only one way to deal with those that do not agree, and that is to fight fire with fire.

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Fight fire with fire? No, dear Dimitri. In Italy we call it feud, mafia feud to be precise as it is in use among criminals. Personally, I do not want to resign myself to this way of thinking, otherwise I would not have learned anything from my father: a Carabiniere!

I agree that sometimes it may seem like the only solution. But only when we let instincts win.

Personally, I am with Aristotle who calls zôon (ζῷον) living beings guided only by instincts (i.e., animals), while he calls human beings politikòn zôon (πολιτικὸν ζῷον) sociable beings that thanks to the logos (λόγος, translatable as 'word' and 'reasoning') freely gather in communities (families, cities, States) to gain mutual benefit. But to do so they must dominate the animal instincts that are always selfish. Is it difficult? Of course! When? When there are those who assume antisocial behavior (that is, seek the satisfaction of their animal instincts)! Who? Thieves and bullies (individuals, organizations that defend corporate interests or States, it's the same).

Personally, Dimitri, as a πολιτικὸν ζῷον I do not want to lower myself to their level, to the level of animals and become an antisocial being, that is, a criminal. As a πολιτικὸν ζῷον we have the obligation to look for another solution!

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Looking at history, it doesn't seem like it!

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Ida, I'm sorry but I don't agree. History, as one of my fellow countrymen (Giambattista Vico) said, history repeats itself: sometimes we progress towards a time of greater justice, other times we regress.

I talked about it in a recent post of mine (https://ilmondochevorrei.substack.com/p/113-accadde-in-grecia?r=46nl0r) in Italian, which I summarized in a note (https://substack.com/@mimmo3/note/c-69058860) in English.

Ida, are we regressing? Maybe. Can we resign ourselves? Never!

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I understand that we don't want to become creatures of instinct, but then we have to accept that we will be cut! Because violence can only be stopped with violence, and if we are not willing to do so, we will eventually eradicate it! There is no other solution! But maybe you don't need another solution! Maybe this physical existence on this earth is not worth the risk to be born here again!

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Ida, you cannot say that "we do not want to become creatures guided by instinct" and then say that only "violence can only be stopped by": do you realize that you are contradicting yourself?

In history we easily find examples of non-violent solutions to oppression and we must take inspiration from these.

But perhaps it is easy for me to say it from my peaceafull and lovely Italy while you (or people who are dear to you) are under the bombs and you see no other solution than to respond to violence with violence. If so, I apologize (I understand that non-violence is not for everyone). If not, you are wrong! Sorry.

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There is no contradiction in it! We don't want to use violence because we hate it, but it is still true that "a man with a great anger should be punished, because if you want to save him, you will only increase his anger". It's a biblical quote that everyone with experience knows. I am Hungarian, and our people are much more peaceful than yours, and this has the historical experience that we practically almost disappeared from the planet. But since we do not want to use violence against those who use violence against us, this error - that we are still a few - will be eliminated soon. And it looks like they are doing this globally to all peoples... I have not found a time in history where oppression was abolished non-violently. If it disappeared somewhere, it was always because the oppressor changed the method, which benefited him more than violent suppression. See, for example, the "liberation" of the colonies, when the "former colonies" became an even worse, more exploited situation than before. Look up, for example, the points of the French colonial treaty.

People have been poisoned globally with "covid vaccines". Many have died from it, many have been maimed, many are sick from it, but those people are still sitting in the governments who made it possible and even ordered their administration.

Moreover, nothing happened to those who practically participated in the genocide. Now they exterminate nations with their wars, and those in "power" - who are the same again - do nothing about it. They even signed the WHO and UN treaty, which means they will get rid of 95% of humanity.

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Ok, Ida, now I understand your bitterness and you have all my solidarity.

I know well what you Hungarians have gone through under the Soviet yoke: did you know that a song still sung by militants of the Italian Right-Wing (I am from that political area) honors the fighters of the Hungarian revolution of 1956 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cGNnFj_jvw)?

But now I ask you: what did that violence bring in the immediate future? Thirty years later, did communism perhaps fall with violence? Does this piece of the history of your people help you understand my point of view?

For my part, I can only tell you that that song still moves me but you had no chance and precisely for this reason, now that I am no longer a boy, I no longer share it.

P.S. Ida, please, do not introduce new topics or irrelevant examples into a discussion, otherwise reasoning is impossible. Reasoning requires discipline: https://ilmondochevorrei.substack.com/p/1-about-ideologies-propaganda-and?r=46nl0r!

P.S.2 I dedicated a book to the mismanagement of the pandemic (here is a summary in Italian: https://ilmondochevorrei.substack.com/p/covid-19-quando-la-terapia-e-peggio?r=46nl0r) and tomorrow in a new post of mine I will start talking about a similar case of mismanagement: global warming!

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Do you really want to model yourself on such an immoral regime?

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Which system has been moral throughout history? Is this the current one?

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Look who has reared his ugly vacuous head:


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The show in the theater is not what Mr. Dugin thinks!

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"Those Who Dare Win," I think this was the name of a movie

I pointed this out, Arab leaders are too hesitant Hezbollah must act now

the tomorrow might never come

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But you have to deal with the thought you don't want to think! Many lives can be saved with speed. If this is the goal! But it is not, because the Jewish oligarchs rule there too and create their 1st world order... In the meantime, of course, they will clean the planet of us!

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