No matter who wins, USA is broke.

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The Imaginary exists in your eyes; the Symbolic in your brain; the Real is—even if you do not believe in it.

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I’m kind of confused here about what Dugin means here by Lacan’s Symbolic and Imaginary.

The definitions I’ve read of Lacan’s imaginary basically amount to “where identifications take place in” and “what fills in the gaps.”

I thought the Symbolic was the social, cultural, linguistic, etc. networks a child is born into.

Wouldn’t that make the Symbolic conscious? As the symbolic contains the linguistic structures that conscious thought needs to exist?

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Sometimes this guy blows my mind and I can’t stop thinking about his ideas, other times, like this one, I realize I haven’t read enough books in my life.

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I'm going to have to read it another couple of times since I also find the core terms a tad opaque.

Despite this rather important quibble, I'm tentatively marking this one down as perhaps the most provocatively fascinating essay on politics, or philophical politics, that have ever read.

(Thank you Arktos!)

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Was this written in English? I didn’t understand a single word.

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who will win the election those who think of wonderful upland of we are all brothers and the state will help, the fear is the dreamers will, simply because too many people have unfulfilled dreams

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No matter now many times I encounter Lacan, I still feel like I'm in a scene from 'The Flim-Flam Man'.

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