Mar 30Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

Islam is here to stay in the west and we must make peace with that. True traditionalists know that Islam is not actually an enemy, but rather a legitimate tradition that can be extremely beneficial to those who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see. Islam is going to force the liberal hegemony to answer questions that call its legitimacy into question and I can’t be happier for that to happen.

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All the current ills are blanketed to post-enlightenment thought and right after that you go on to give a democratic argument for the permanence of Islam… ah numbers or global percentage are what matters? Where did that come from? Was this how people thought post or pre enlightenment?

What happens to expanded numbers when those expanding them fall? The faster we fall, the faster you fall. Hence the strategy of a rapid fall actually solves the entire thing. Your numbers are inseparable from the infrastructure that sustains you through trade and aid both foreign and domestic.

Then talking of genocide and the moral shortcomings of the west as if Muslims are any better. To establish Pakistan, Muslims committed genocide. There is actually not one place where you are not hostile with the majority or abusive towards the minority, there are just not as many cameras and globalist organizations reporting on it. It’s almost like you have the same world view of globalists that the west is the only place that genocides or that expanding Palestinians and then not feeding them is genocide. If so this doom is going to mean a lot of genocide for Arabs with extremely expanded numbers. What unnaturally goes up eventually comes back down, but keep believing in some democratic quantitative notion of value. You have 2 billion hominids now… what a crash that will be when the gravy train ends.

You then go on to talk of china being against the encroachment of the west and then one of the ills of the west is the surveillance state. It’s like you are completely unaware of the hypocrisy. I am not for globalism but I’m not going to act like the control through tech isn’t happening at a greater rate in China. They at least know how to control muslim populations it seems…. Without UN presence.

Let’s not pretend everyone else is friends beyond hatred for the west… and after the fall of a common enemy, such friends always turn on each other. It’s happens for millennia and will again. I don’t think your numbers will matter much at that point. Then all the blame of all ills will be flung around in a different and no less hypocritical direction.

I love how the appeal to Christian restraint and even overly compassionate nature with enemies is added in there… totally hasn’t pathologized into aspects of globalism. I wonder how much compassion was show to Christians at the fall of Constantinople? As dhimmis in Islamic lands, especially Sunni.

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It's a shame to see Arktos lowering it's editorial standards to allow such one-sided, juvenile essays on its site.

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there was a time when I thought there could be dialogue, but over time i realized that was just another deceit.

take note, your culture is just as bloated, rotten and empty as our own, and slowly but surely you will see it for yourself.

like two great beast these cultures clash, neither realizing they are infected with rabies and indeed their DOOM is upon them.

after these two beasts have died those left will see clearly that christianity and islam were the anti-traditions devouring all human society in the first place.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

Until Muslims (in general) treat women (especially Muslim women) as well as the Muslim men wish to be treated, all these "Prefatory Remarks" ring hollow. Not that in any non-Muslim society are women treated as they should (in every way) but Muslims have their "law" as "religiously authorized" and enshrined in an ancient book no different than any other 'mind controlled op' put forth today. Until enough (especially those who wield power) in the Muslim world are able to face the mirror of their own conscience in regard to the way Sharia 'law" prescribes women are to be treated (especially in circumstances involving anything that could be called "sexual" in nature) - as to where each stands in regard to their actions and/or heart, they'll remain alive in body, only, but with a dead spirit and a disconnected soul (if any shred of either even still exists).

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deletedMar 29
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