Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Great article, although the title seems misleading. I thought Tom was going to make that argument that AfD was "controlled opposition," but the article seems to take the tone that the AfD is walking a tight rope, which is necessary to stay alive in German politics (regardless of their popularity).

So perhaps the title - as a play on words - implies that the AfD is an actual opposition, but is quite self-controlled in enemy territory.

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Yes, me too.

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It is controlled opposition, but then again so is your own Alexander Dugin and his National Socia.... ahm I mean National Bolsheviks...

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This is similar if not exactly what happens in Amerirca. As Democrats go farther Left, Republicans become old line Democrats while both parties pay homeage to Israel which crowns the victory of Good in the Epic Myth of the Second World War and America's Greatest Generation.

However, it appears that Israel's latest incursion against Palestinians has gone too far and the "multi-polar" Global South is taking the place of an enfeebled America in reigning Israel in with Russian and Chinese support. It seems Israel has lost its propaganda war and that Likud's military solution is popular nowhere. A "two stae solution" would likely have profound impact on the post WW2 power mythos, I would think, with a Palestinian State openly airing its greivances against theWestern God of Victory and Virtue.

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Great article. Not what you'd expect from the title, which is more like a clever pun.

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