Watch now (40 mins) | Ahnaf Ibn Qais and Constantin von Hoffmeister talk about the concept of Eurabia, the growing Muslim population in Europe, the possibility of Europe falling under Islamic rule, ethnopluralism and the preservation of identities in an Islamic empire, and other topics.
The most elementary concerns about justice and equity tell me that muslims should be bound to exactly the same duties in Europe that Europeans in muslim territories. No discrepancies should be allowed whatsoever. If Cristians aren't allowed to build churches and express publicly their faith, the same should apply to all muslims in cristian nations. All equals, that my only motto. How do you like that? Since vaginal mutilation is obviously a crime, all perpetrators should be duly persecuted
There are no restrictions on building places of worship in a Khilafa that follows the Sacred Law seriously. The only restriction would be publicly proselytizing non-Muslim faiths (private is fine). So Eurabia would allow all of these things.
As for the ‘mutilation’ comment… this is a Mossad and CIA talking point which was debunked ages ago. In your free time ( if you are sincere ) you can easily examine said evidence which debunks it all.
We all know that in most muslim cultures the mutilation is the norm now. Even in my country I personaly know a few cases. I consider quite serious the easy way you dismiss such a huge problem.
The entire 'mutilation' talking point was born primarily in the early 90s, & then it was peddled around by people who (let's be honest here) had ulterior motives. What they did was take an obscure cultural rite of initiation for women & girls (with no Islamic basis behind it) & then try to tie it back to us. Ayaan Hirsi Ali (notorious Islamophobe) spearheaded this in Holland, & others did so elsewhere.
Anyone who has studied the history of 'where did this attack point come from?' doesn't takes it seriously. It's basically classic Mossad & CIA meddling via proxy.
The most elementary concerns about justice and equity tell me that muslims should be bound to exactly the same duties in Europe that Europeans in muslim territories. No discrepancies should be allowed whatsoever. If Cristians aren't allowed to build churches and express publicly their faith, the same should apply to all muslims in cristian nations. All equals, that my only motto. How do you like that? Since vaginal mutilation is obviously a crime, all perpetrators should be duly persecuted
There are no restrictions on building places of worship in a Khilafa that follows the Sacred Law seriously. The only restriction would be publicly proselytizing non-Muslim faiths (private is fine). So Eurabia would allow all of these things.
As for the ‘mutilation’ comment… this is a Mossad and CIA talking point which was debunked ages ago. In your free time ( if you are sincere ) you can easily examine said evidence which debunks it all.
We all know that in most muslim cultures the mutilation is the norm now. Even in my country I personaly know a few cases. I consider quite serious the easy way you dismiss such a huge problem.
It's not a 'huge problem.'
The entire 'mutilation' talking point was born primarily in the early 90s, & then it was peddled around by people who (let's be honest here) had ulterior motives. What they did was take an obscure cultural rite of initiation for women & girls (with no Islamic basis behind it) & then try to tie it back to us. Ayaan Hirsi Ali (notorious Islamophobe) spearheaded this in Holland, & others did so elsewhere.
Anyone who has studied the history of 'where did this attack point come from?' doesn't takes it seriously. It's basically classic Mossad & CIA meddling via proxy.