40:20 - “… and if you don't fight, if you don't resist evil, of course evil will always win”

Ivan Ilyin writes in “On Resistance to Evil by Force”

“In fact, what would “non-resistance” [to evil] mean, in the sense of the absence of any resistance? This would mean accepting evil: letting it in and giving it freedom, scope and power. If under these conditions the uprising of evil occurred, and non-resistance continued, it would mean subordination to it, a surrender of the self to it, participation in it, and finally, turning oneself into its instrument, into its body, into its cesspool, its plaything, an absorbed element thereof.”

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Interesting ideas, the nations of Central Europe e.g. Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia all have a common history, religion, cultural links all being once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and it's previous incarnations. Großdeutschland is viable so long as Austria is a part of it. Ein Volk, Ein Reich!

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Interesting point of view on empire vs nationalism. I always found the nation-state to be formidable, due to it's adherence for culture. You are correct, multiculturalism is a failure in every sense. No spirit, no real culture, no stability. It just doesn't work. Multicultural societies also have 2 official ways of formation: assimilation and integration. Both words best describe present day USA and Canada. In that order, USA is the melting pot, while Canada maintains cultural mosaic. Neither works out well in the end. Simple fact is.....those society models aren't an answer, simply a breeding ground for civil unrest. Ethno-Differentialism is a wonderful alternative, and makes greater sense.

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The US electoral process is a choreographed entertainment event with a predetermined outcome. I realised this just by observing closely for the first time since 2016. Those ‘debates’ are really just auditions for the puppet-masters. The ‘globalists’ / ‘deep state’ are not afraid of Trump – they control him. There is no way Trump is going to ‘lock up’ the Clintons – or tell us who did 911 (“maybe it was the Saudis”)

• Trump about the Clintons They're good people


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