that's a weird read. first of all, i had contact with the NBP back in 2002-2004, so i know something about them from back when they were a thing and not just from second hand reads. they were hardly "national bolsheviks" in the original sense as coined by paetel but an edgy, russian-stalinist-imperialist group of social misfits who liked to trash mcdonalds restaurants and to fight the police. they wanted to go back to the ussr but this time with nationalist tones and a russian cultural hegenomy that should expand at least to europe. i remember a contact describing this as "the ussr collapsed because of nationalism, the wrong nationaliusm, because the eastern germans were still germans, the baltics baltics and so on. they should have been russianized and we would still be around! the right nationalism!"

how this fits into the narrative that they are kind of the grandparents of the ethnopluralist identitarian movement is beyond me. and, for the love of god, stop shoehorning dugin into the new right, no one there in the west really likes him.

i highly recommend prilepin's novell "sankya" to get a feel about the nbp from when they were a relevant group (that didn't manage to get any traction outside of the former eastern european block for obvious reasons).

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This is an article about Limonov the Kommunist (as Marx dubbed it) and you managed to ignore this and decry Dugin 🤣

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this is a comment about how limonews "vision" can hardly be a role model for the (western) new right and you chose to comment on a single (!) sentence out of three paragraphs. i can live with that.

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Death to the west and long live Europa i say!

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