The only elegant explanation of the spiraling cognitive dissonance the world is collectively experiencing (particularly in the U.S. - and largely because of the U.S.) that I have read. And strangely, this made me feel calmer. Because I can see that I am not alone in my thoughts.

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Empathy is a term wich is seen in horisontal dimension rule (projection of "power" through force, or how Professor described it "hell"), as something not much relevant,basicaly in the margine, nearly as something "bohemistic".


Empathy is Divine Grace, given by Creator to his Children.

Its power is not through "force" we understand.

Its power is in Universal Hierarchy over lower vibrations.

This is one such great cycle in wich Empathy will show its true Divine Power, and project ower horisontal "forces" New balance for New times.

As Life it self needs to continue.

Purified and renewed.

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True. But I would counter that it was the British who brought a distinct evangelical zeal to empire building and this was infused into the American zeitgeist. It is a fundamental characteristic of the post-modern American mindset today. It is fundamentally a self-righteous and arrogant cornerstone of American foreign policy and still permeates many aspects of the 21st century domestic American agenda…more rooted in the Old Testament than the new one. A strangely perverse phenomenon that has created what often seems to be a Bosch-like hellscape.

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Dear Sir,

Regarding your "1st anomaly", the very first "sea civilization" or appropriate globalization was founded not by the English, the Dutch or even the Spanish but by Portugal. Our ultramarine expansion - hardly mad or Anti-Christ - was mainly dictated by the religious fervour of Christianizing the World as well as sharing the Prometheus' gift of knowledge. That religious-military-scientific-cultural drive was then casted upon Portugal as heir to the Past (the Atlantis Plato spoke of?) and also founder of the Fifth Empire, that of the Holly Spirit, after Assyria-Babilon, Persia, Greece and Rome fell. That was how we landed in Africa, the 3 Americas, Asia and Oceania. Hélas this mythical concept was latelly appropriated, corrupted and melted within a diaspora of European Sephardim and Ashkenazim Jews as well as Protestants running for and arriving at the Anglosphere. They're still in power there. Only then could we speak about Leviathan.

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