Robert Stark argues that the future is either a post-White American nationalism or a pro-White multiculturalism.
source: @ScottMGreer on X
While there was a window where colorblind civic nationalism could have worked, America’s civic identity is not strong enough to hold the nation together. Multi-ethnic nations/empires need either freedom of association or some form of authoritarianism to function. Civic religions and cultures can unite peoples of different ethnicities but are very hard to sustain, and Americans are especially ideologically and culturally polarized.
Whites are the ethnic Americans, the Heritage American Nation. Without them, there is no America. Whiteness is an essential characteristic of the historic nation, but it’s also an obstacle to the ideology of the US empire and an impediment to the ambitions of its elites and PMC. America’s melting pot was intended to be a melting pot of different European groups coming together to form a new ethnogenesis, the Euro-mutt American of today.
In the future, I foresee two scenarios. One is a new civic nationalism decoupled from Whiteness, which could be either MAGA’s multi-racial working-class coalition or a new multi-racial civic religion emerging from the Democratic Party. This could include a mass cultural and genetic amalgamation to form a new American culture and ethnogenesis. What I desire is something more akin to ethnopluralism or multiculturalism inclusive of Whiteness, with White Americans functioning as a tribe or diaspora. Once Americanism is decoupled from Whiteness, if that hasn’t happened already, America will be forced into a cataclysmic and chaotic paradigm shift.
(The article was originally published here.)
Before the Civil War, when we had nothing but White Men voting and running the state and federal governments, and with far fewer states, we still wound up with a Civiil WAr : exactly what "Americanism" was suppose to prevent.
The Civil War and Reconsruction profoundly altered "Americansim" into an ever more military enterprise ever since because the Right Side always won, never mind, what was won or, more important, what was lost in order to win.
That illegal aliens should be inducted to fight for "Americanism" that White Men won't is actually the epitome of "Americanism", of equality reachinhg the lowest common denominator.
YOu really wonder why anyone would bother with election fraud when it doesn't matter who gets elcted anyway.
"Americanism" means what? The Frontier?
It's closed, over a century ago.
The New Wrold? It's pretty old, now!
In a land where poltics is the national past time, balknaization is future.
Which is essentially federaliam or "states rights" again, but once the crash starts WDC will never be able to rerieve even its pre-CivilWar level of authority.