God bless you for these translations, my brother.

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Thank you!

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So is it incompetence or is it causa finalis on their end? It sure seems like pure evil

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Venice’s War Against Western Civilization


Nicolaus of Cusa, Towering Genius of the Renaissance


Aristocracy Vs. Oligarchy


Aristotle’s Defense of Slavery


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Aristotle and Plato were like 99% in agreement. Aristotle is just exoteric Plato

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to jest podstawa wszystkiego; myślenia politycznego, socjologicznego. Przyczynowość i celowość. JAK przywrócić klasyczne definicje młodym. Bez nich, bez Arystotelesa nie będzie porozumienia i wspólnoty, jakbyśmy mówili różnymi językami w wieży Babel.

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Man is a measure of all things...that was a truth but not "istina" back in the days. I can relate towards the Notion of Expenditure (recycling) by Bataille, G. Although, I never trusted French philosophers (all these Enlightenment principles in 18th century that this nation was built on ...) if anything that could explain the current state of affairs is carnivalesque notion by Bakhtin. But that's the Western World. Therefore, I have lots of faith in Russian school of thought, the radical ideas "lost in translation " do matter, and there is a lot of light about her, still is, and that will never change.

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Very thought provoking. Thank you.

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