In the current crisis of liberal democracy, citizens need to know what they can do on the basis of a concise analysis as outlined in this Antiglobalist Manifesto.
Europeans of all nations, unite!
You have nothing to lose but your chains.
You have a world to win.
The Mask of Democracy
A monster is haunting Europe — the monster of globalism. All the regimes of Old Europe have become its servants. Yet they speak about “our democracy,” usually in a solemn tone of voice, thus actually telling us that the democracy they refer to is not ours but theirs. When they say “democracy,” they actually mean its very opposite, namely a totalitarian regime hiding behind the facade of democracy. Whatever democracy once existed has long been utterly demolished. Not a single political decision that affects your life is taken with your interest in mind. You may go vote every once in a while, but you have absolutely no influence on political decision-making. None whatsoever. Never has this been truer than today. In Europe, there is no democracy, no matter how emphatically this is denied by your rulers.
The Gang of Perverted Rulers
Who are those rulers? They are all utterly incompetent, ignorant and uneducated. They are all slaves to lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride: the capital sins. Many are sexual perverts and have psychological disorders such as narcissism, cruelty, and sadism. Many are psychopaths and sociopaths. Just take a look at them: don’t they look repulsively stupid and just plain ugly? Just hear them speak: don’t they sound utterly insincere and ridiculous?
Letter Institutions Instead of Nations
The European regimes are not the governments of sovereign nations. Those nations themselves have been destroyed before our very eyes, their flags and other symbols are not allowed to appear in public by themselves. The pirate banner masquerading as the EU flag always needs to be prominently visible at the same time, flying on all public buildings. The worthless Weimar banknotes of the European Central Bank, featuring non-existent bridges are all we are left with after generations of hard work. National historical narratives are being wiped out, adulterated or filled with fake stories intended to make people ashamed of what they were born as. Nations are being replaced by letter institutions: EU, NATO, UN, and their regimes are being bossed around by the Washington regime in the US and by outfits such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The latter are instruments in the hands of a gang of ruthless globalist robber barons, with billionaire ideologues such as Bill Gates (indicted at Leeuwarden in the Netherlands for vaccination injury) and George Soros, a convicted criminal (in France, for stock trade with foreknowledge).
The Globalist Elite
Like the composition, roots and ramifications of any powerful criminal organization, those of the globalist hostile elite are scrupulously kept from public view. Nevertheless, it is possible to enumerate some details of that elite. It is structurally composed of a number of dynasties, some of European noble or purportedly noble origin, some of self-claimed “Jewish” (such as the infamous Rothschilds), some of American origin (Rockefeller), with selected individual newcomers from the world of finance (BlackRock, Vanguard, KKR, etc.), as well as coopted tycoons such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. Though it may seem otherwise, it must be assumed the globalist elite does have some broad ideological planks in its platform. These include usury banksterism under the cloak of free-market capitalism and a number of enlightenment precepts (usually of the kind that allows all kinds of psychological and physical debauchery).
War on Citizens
The globalist hostile elite is actively engaged in a full-scale war against citizens, and they have appointed their minions to head and staff European regimes. Those regimes are therefore essentially no different from occupation authorities in conquered lands. The war against us citizens is a multi-front operation. The globalists are well on their way to destroying our physical, political and social environment. They have begun destroying our health and lives and our minds, especially those of the younger generations. To put it simply, the globalists want to reduce our numbers and to have full control over those who remain. Dumbed-down, manipulated, drugged, chronically ill and under permanent surveillance, we will be easy to control. Add to that the great numbers of replacement immigrants imported from Africa and Asia, beholden to the hand that feeds them as slaves settled in a new land, but also prone to all sorts of violence, especially against Europeans, and you have an idea of the kind of neo-feudal society the globalists want to create. Just for their own benefit.
Verbal Warfare
It is undeniable that there is a multi-pronged attack underway on citizens by European regimes. The average citizen is under attack on multiple fronts: economically, socially, medically and psychologically. Anybody who dares point this out, criticize it, or protest against it, is immediately branded a “conspiracy theorist,” “far-right,” a “fascist” or an “anti-semite,” accused of spreading “disinformation” “fake news” or “hate speech” and considered to cause serious harm to others.
Climate Lunacy
The most incisive decisions are those taken in the interest of perceived anthropogenic climate change, often also known as “global warming.” There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever that “the planet is warming up” and that human activity is to blame for it. European regimes have resolved to destroy agriculture and the cattle industry based on what can only be called utter nonsense. They want to reduce carbon dioxide and nitrogen emissions and claim that farmers are largely responsible for those “harmful greenhouse gases.” Instead of meat and dairy products, we are told to switch to insects and synthetic products produced by a pathological self-declared eugenicist such as Bill Gates. Just like the rulers of the Soviet Union in the 1920s, our present-day rulers have decided to destroy independent farmers.
Based on fake science, it has been asserted that oil and natural gas are “fossil fuels” and as such not sustainable. However, most oil and gas is not of fossil origin, a fact that is conveniently being overlooked by all those faithful disciples of the criminal climate swindler Al Gore. Putting up windmills that generate electricity has become another pet project for European regimes since these allegedly provide clean (“green”) energy. Yet those very windmills massively destroy bird and insect life, consume great quantities of highly polluting lubricating oil and ruin the landscape, while the low long-wavelength sound waves they emit are harmful to human health. Windmills are therefore just expensive bird- and view-killing devices that should never have been put up in the first place.
Medical Warfare
In 2020, ordered by their globalist masters, European pseudo-democratic, totalitarian regimes began a war against the health of all of us citizens: the Great Covid Show, presented to the public as the “pandemic” of a deadly disease that one could only survive by getting a “vaccine” with over one thousand harmful and lethal side effects. Now that people are dying in ever greater numbers from having taken the death jabs, the scale of the crime, a crime against humanity if there ever was one, is becoming apparent. Don’t count on “doctors” to help you. Medical science itself, which is to say Western medical science, has become ossified and politicized and is subjected to permanent control by giant pharmaceutical firms. Therefore it can and should no longer be trusted. Physicians are essentially no more than highly paid, certified drug pushers for Big Pharma. In other words, your family doctor and your medical specialist are no different than the guy on the corner of the street selling coke and fentanyl. Alternative varieties of medicine, such as herbal, holistic, alternative and non-Western medicine, are being ridiculed, marginalized and outlawed, just because these constitute a threat to Big Pharma interests.
Population Replacement
Meanwhile, population replacement of Europeans by Africans and Asians has been going on unabated. Since the 1970s, European regimes have been working hard to import ever greater numbers of foreigners, mostly Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East, as well as Africans with other non-Christian creeds. By now, the number of non-Europeans and Muslims in the EU stands at least at some forty million, almost ten percent of the total population. Since “diversity” and “multiculturalism” have been made the norm, most of those non-Europeans refuse to integrate and properly learn the local language, choosing to build parallel societies instead. In some countries, such as Belgium, distinctive Muslim parties are now taking part in elections, gaining upwards of ten percent of the vote.
“Brown Battalions”
In Germany, where in 2015 Chancellor Merkel, the Ephialtes of Europe, set the doors wide open for “refugees” and “asylum seekers” from North Africa and Asia, crime rates have soared. Every day there is an average of over thirty knife attacks by foreigners against Germans. Women dare not go out at night for fear of being raped by foreigners who are being covertly protected by the authorities and the police. Streets, public transportation and schools have become dangerous places, especially for Germans. In the big cities of France, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden, the situation is not very different. There as well, every day native Europeans are being attacked, molested, assaulted, raped and killed by foreigners. Non-European settlers are being used against the native population, much like the Third Reich employed street fighters to impose a new order.
The War on Free Speech
Any European who dares complain about this in public or on social media will be accused of “hate speech” and runs the risk of getting a jail sentence. The same goes for anyone, including parents, who speaks out against regime-sponsored gender lunacy that has been unleashed to destroy education and confuse and poison the minds of the young. In the EUSSR, we are now living under a system of inverse justice unparalleled since the early days of the USSR.
The War on Gender
Schools have become unsafe for all schoolchildren. Their parents are legally obliged to send them there, but the curricula have been gutted to the point where high percentages of students are leaving school functionally illiterate. Instead of learning the three Rs, schoolchildren are being forcibly exposed to sexual debauchery in accordance with officially sanctioned gender lunacy. Such perverse and delusional government policies are clearly intended to destroy the nuclear family by subverting it through distrust. Schoolkids are being read “fairy tales” by bearded men dressed as women and wearing pink wigs, who insist they are women, or “trans-women.”
Cognitive Warfare
Every word that comes out of the hostile elite is a lie. When it says “multicultural tolerance,” it means mass immigration that you pay for yourself and ethnic replacement that is fatal to your children’s future. If it says “free movement of goods, capital, services and labour,” it means offshore accounting, mailbox companies, money laundering, narco-state, industrial dumping, outsourcing and wage-suppressing migrant labour. When it says “environmental awareness,” it means bureaucratic whitewashing of bio-industrial horrors, profitable self-deception of commercial “greening” and paper-only animal rights. When it says “progress” and “enlightenment,” it means atavistic regression and demonic darkness. Its media outlets are the stinking mouths of hell and its governmental institutions are inwardly rotting.
The Question of Legitimacy
The reasons why the globalists give such destructive, lethal orders remain hidden. Basically, this is none of our concern, since we have no personal relationship with those people. However, we do have a relationship with our own “government,” a relationship that is enshrined in constitutions and further legislation. Therefore, when we no longer have a government, just a regime obeying orders, we should hold them responsible. The moment the regime carries out orders given by others, they are committing high treason. As a matter of fact, the EU regimes have been committing high treason for decades and in doing so have actually outlawed themselves. In other words, the social contract has been torn up by the globalist overlords, threatening a complete breakdown of law and order. However, since the European regimes don’t bother about the law and given the fact they continue in power with the full range of coercive instruments at their disposal, it is difficult to resist their illegal power just by ourselves. It is entirely conceivable that our states will implode, given the gross mismanagement and internal contradictions that can no longer be overcome.
The Question of Techno-Totalitarianism
In the meantime, what can be done? How to survive the onslaught of a ruthless state that behaves like a foreign invader and occupant while treating its citizens as if they were an enemy population? After all, the regime reads all our emails and social media, and is keeping tabs on all of us with security cameras everywhere. We are already living in a panopticon, an open-air prison.
The Question of Alternatives
What do we want? What is good for Europeans? What is good for us citizens of a continent that is being destroyed by the globalists and their criminal minions in the regimes in the EU and its member states?
First of all, the existing state must be dismantled and replaced by one that has been seriously trimmed. Mind you that in all EU states average tax rates are between 70% and 80% of all your earnings. Taxes include direct state taxes, local taxes, sales taxes and VAT, excises on alcohol, tobacco and fuel and special taxes for all sorts of services. Most of all that money is just wasted, thrown away by the billions for climate lunacy projects, on forever wars such as those in the Ukraine and the Middle East, resident foreigners (most of whom never get a job), etc. At least half of all civil servants are utterly superfluous.
Essentially, a state should only take care of a few things: secure borders, public safety, sound infrastructure (pipelines, roads, bridges, ferries), basic services (safe drinking water, electricity, cables), maintaining law and order by way of a real police force, and a non-corrupt judicial system, and strict, scientifically and medically objective (non-industry directed) rules for food and food products. No women ought to be admitted in the police force and the armed forces in first-line or combat roles. Everything else (education, entertainment, sports, etc.) should be left to private initiative.
Our traditional, largely homogeneous nation-states should be preserved, with retention of political primacy for their indigenous peoples and guarantees for their ancestral religions, languages and cultures. Since all citizens are equal before the law, no special rights for different categories are needed, since these always lead to gross and preposterous, socially harmful inequities.
Now that, at long last, our eyes have opened and now that we know who we are dealing with, the time has come to remove the hostile elite of fake leaders and fake authorities. Until recently, most people were blind: the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite could hide behind the politically correct mask of “humanism” and “progressiveness” — it is only recently that the evil conjoined twins of the regressive left and the kleptocratic right have finally discarded this mask. So now that we know who they truly are, it is the evident duty of the people to remove the suicide pilots of the hostile elite from the cockpit of our national government.
Everything that prevents us from leading normal, healthy lives needs to be removed. As a matter of fact, most of what surrounds us today is harmful and needs to be thrown on the trash heap of history. We have to do away with things like feminism, omnipresent pornography in its myriad forms, and the rule of total idiots. But also interest and fiat money. Moreover, it is a shame and just not right that public utilities, public transport and mass media are in the hands of private enterprise.
Feminism must be taken apart and eliminated, if only because it is one of the main reasons why the nuclear family has long been in crisis. No more easy divorces and automatic maternal custody for children. They need both a mother and a father and it is criminal for authorities to deprive the children of divorced parents of one of their parents. A partner who breaks up a marriage with infidelity must be held accountable and pay for all costs arising from it. Depornification is another necessary operation, to rid the public sphere of the massive amounts of all kinds of visual debauchery that has been disfiguring it for such a long time. It should be borne in mind that it is at the same time a continuous humiliation of women.
All of the above should be carried out after an initial, thorough economic restructuring. Since the currently prevailing regimes depend on the massive use of usury interest, combined with structural inflation (the main instruments for keeping us all enslaved), it is vital to eliminate both the existing credit system and fiat money. At the same time, all public utilities and transport facilities need to be de-privatized (“nationalized”), and the same goes for mass media.
We have a long way to go, but all around us, there are signs that the existing structures are on the verge of collapse.
Under the present circumstances, a direct confrontation with the repressive apparatus of the state is counter-productive, because the regime, by way of its repressive instruments, will crush you. Mind you, the regime is a ruthless monster. Do not go out into the street to protest or demonstrate, because a simple look at the way the police is dressed and equipped will tell you that is exactly what the regime expects. The police will mercilessly beat you up, use tear gas, water cannons and even shoot rubber bullets to get crowds under control.
Think of the system as a highly complex, overly organized machinery, which may seem to be functioning perfectly but in reality is replete with flaws at all levels. Like when you are playing chess, you should always try to make unexpected moves, because these will unsettle the opponent.
When there are enough people interacting with the state in such a fashion, the bureaucracy will falter and eventually implode.
Eventually, individual attitudes and personal ethics, chosen freely and maintained by growing numbers of citizens, are just as important as demonstrations, strikes and other forms of collective action. Inspiration can be found in successful civil resistance movements from the past, such as Gandhi’s “Quit India” campaign in the 1930s, the anti-Vietnam War protests from the 1960s, and the Polish Solidarity Movement in the 1980s. Moreover, fire can be fought with fire: much can be learned from CIA-directed “color revolutions” and “civilian movements” from the 1990s and the early 21st century.
Therefore, think out of the box, use your imagination and do not be afraid, because if you take care, there is little danger of getting hurt.
1. To begin with, one should try to pay with real money whenever possible and avoid using bank and credit cards. When shopping, always read the labels and consistently avoid buying anything produced by any of the WEF’s “business partners.” Remember that the money you spend will be used to cause harm to you and your loved ones. (See the list below).
2. Register all unforeseen extra costs you are forced to make for the sake of the European “Green New Deal,” like parking your car far from where you need to be in the inner city for getting services (dentist, barber, etc) or doing shopping (organic foods, e.g.). Such costs should be subtractable from your taxes.
3. When ordered to install expensive equipment (such as a heat pump) in your home to avoid “global warming,” demand that the authority or organization giving you the notice explain to you in all scientific detail what effect your expenses will have on the climate. Do so in a real letter (written or printed on paper and duly signed) to the director or CEO. Of course, they cannot answer your question, which in turn gives you the right to refuse to install the required equipment. (You are told to spend money for frivolous reasons).
4. When ordered or pressured to take a vaccination, have the authority that orders you to do so sign a written statement that they are assuming responsibility for any and all possible negative side effects. If they refuse, denounce them to the police for an attempt to cause severe bodily harm or to commit manslaughter.
5. At school or work, when asked to tell as what you identify and how you wish to be addressed, tell them you identify for instance as Winston Churchill or King Louis XIV and want to be addressed as “Your Excellency” or “Your Majesty.” If this treatment is refused, file a complaint for “hate speech.”
6. Since you are continuously being filmed in the public space and since your emails and text messages are recorded and checked, you are entitled to receive copyright payments. These might be subtracted from taxes. After all, everything the regime itself does is expressed in a money equivalent and that rule applies to the average citizen as well.
7. More and more city governments decide to become “zero-emission-zones,” prohibiting access to non-electric vehicles. If you live in such a city: move out and go live somewhere else. If you don’t live there, just never visit such cities ever again.
8. Whenever you can, confront the state and corporate media with their reporting on issues where their lies are evident, such as their propaganda for “safe and effective vaccines.” Use all available channels (email, telephone, social media, letters, ombudsmen). Confront them with their own statutes, codes of behavior and rules and regulations. When you see lying reporters at work, confront them, register the encounter, and publish it on the internet. Good topics include: purportedly fair elections and climate change as “scientifically proven.”
9. Use the local equivalent of the US “Freedom of Information Act” to bombard the state bureaucracy with demands for information. When enough requests are sent in, this will cause overload and may help to cripple the system.
10. Find ways to fight the regime with its own rules and regulations. For instance, by putting refuges and little boxes for insects, bats, birds and the like in front of speed cameras. Such wildlife havens cannot be removed by the authorities, because they protect wildlife!
11. Refuse to vote in all elections in order to further weaken the regime’s legitimacy.
12. Stop reading and watching the MSM and legacy and state media so as to delegitimize the regime narratives.
13. Fight the regime individually with all legal methods of non-cooperation, work interruption, playful protest and open dissociation, and do this in your personal environment, on the work floor and on social media.
Businesses to avoid doing business with or buy products from:
1. Banks, Insurance Companies and Financial Services: ABNAmro, American Express, Rabobank, Citi, ING, AXA, Allianz, Aegon, Banco Santander, Barclay’s, BBVA, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Lloyd’s Bank, Société Générale, Handelsbanken, Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, Bloomberg (Bloomberg Business Week), CLS Bank International, DNB, Grope BPCE (Banque Populaire, Caisse d’Epargne), Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Swiss Bank of Geneva, UBS, UniCredit, Unipol Gruppo.
2. Gas Companies: Shell, Exxon-Mobil, Total, Eni, Repsol, CEPSA, Chevron, BP.
3. Digital Services, Computers, Hardware, Electronics: Adobe, Apple, HP, Google, Huawei, Ericsson, Meta, Microsoft, Lenovo, Linkedin, Pinterest, TikTok, Panasonic, Cloudfare, Philips, Samsung, Sony.
4. Other firms: DHL Group, IKEA, Amazon, UPS, ENGIE-group, Enel.
5. Firms producing clothing, jewelry, perfumes and wearables: H&M, Ralph Lauren, Estée Lauder, Chanel, LVMH, L’Oréal, Geox.
6. Automakers: Volvo, Volkswagen, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Honda.
7. Beverage firms: Anheuser-Busch Inbev (Beck’s, Budweiser, Corona, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Stella Artois, Dommelsch, Hertog Jan, Jupiler, Löwenbräu, Oranjeboom, Piedboeuf, Spaten, St. Pauli Girl), Coca Cola (Coke, Fanta, Chaudfontaine, Sprite, Monster Energy, Apollinaris, Costa Coffee, Aquarius, Minute Maid, aquaBona), Pepsi (Pepsi Cola, Quaker, H-O, Tropicana, Looza, Smiths Chips, Duyvis, Cheetos, Doritos, 7-Up, Gatorade), Heineken (Birra Dreher, Birra Ichnusa, Birra Moretti, Affligem, Amstel, Brand, Sagres, CruzCampo, Karlovacko, Krusovice), Carlsberg Group (Carlsberg, Feldschlösschen, Grimbergen, Holsten, Kronenbourg, Super Bock, Tuborg).
8. Food, home and personal care firms: Unilever (Amora, Aromat, Calvé, Colman’s, Conimex, Hellmann’s, Knorr, Lipton, Maille, Unox; Ben & Jerry’s, Calippo, Algida, Magnum; Biotex, All, Cif, Persil, Robijn, Skip, Sunlight; Andrelon, Axe, Camay, Dove, Lux, Pepsodent, Pond’s, Sun, Vaseline, Zendium, Zwitsal), Nestlé (Nescafé, Nespresso, Acqua Panna, Perrier, San Pellegrino, Vittel, Contrex, Cheerios, After-Eight, Perugina Baci, KitKat, Smarties, Maggi), Kikkoman, Flora Food Group (Blue Band, Becel, Flora, Bertolli), Colgate Palmolive (Ajax, Colgate, Elmex), Henkel (Persil, Pril, Dixan, Silan, Schwarzkopf, Loctite, Pritt).
9. Printed media firms: Condé Nast (Reddit, Allure, Ars Technica, Epicurious, Glamour, Pitchfork, them., Teen Vogue, Self, La Cucina Italiana, Architectural Digest, Bon Appétit, Condé Nast Traveler, GQ, Love, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Wired), Hubert Burda Media (Bunte, Elle, Focus, Freundin), TIME.
Thank you for this summary! You may find a compact gathering of WEF-girdled figures and facts here--
Thank you indeed for this post. It is a novel and, I would imagine, an effective, programme of action. It is also a wonderful literary play on you know what!