Christian Chensvold argues that Kamala Harris’ victory is a metaphysical inevitability, marking the final phase of Western Civilization’s decline within the cosmic cycle of the Kali Yuga.
Kamala Harris must win in November. When I say “must,” I mean as an act of necessity. When I say “necessity,” I mean it in the classical sense, as a synonym for fate.
Kamala Harris is a woman. She is also part-Indian. The deity in the Hindu branch of Indo-European metaphysics who rules over the period of civilizational decline — known to the Greeks as the Age of Iron, to the Vikings as Ragnarök, and to Christians as the Apocalypse — is named Kali, the first two letters of which are the same as Kamala. If this sounds far-fetched, consider that sophisticated thinkers in Silicon Valley think that reality is a “simulation,” and that according to ancient metaphysics there’s no such thing as coincidence.
During the Kali Yuga, the goddess chops off men’s heads and sticks out her tongue, the equivalent of which is Harris’ oft-cited cackle. As for decapitation, rest assured that Harris will do everything within her power — which will not be checked and balanced, because that’s not where you are in history — to chop off the head — which means symbolic castration — of every last remnant of the European patriarchal civilization whose destruction she presides over.
Kamala Harris is a particular soul chosen and elevated for a certain metaphysical purpose, as are all people who play a central role in the theater of human events, which are merely the reflection of cosmic cycles according to the Hermetic doctrine, “As above, so below.” She is only a presidential candidate in the realm of effects; in the divine realm of causality, she is the personification of the force of matriarchal mass recollectivization here at the closing stages of the historical cycle known as Western Civilization. For metaphysics teaches that God’s laws are as impersonal as those that rule over nature, such as the survival of the fittest. God’s “will” is not a moral parable, but a rule-ordered cosmos in which a certain set of effects follows inevitably from certain causes. Thus for cowards to be ruled by tyrants is just in the eyes of God, as is the overthrowing of a decadent society by barbarians.
For according to cosmic law, everything eventually becomes the opposite of what it once was — just look at Harvard. A Harris victory must occur because day must become night just as summer must cede to winter. That the land of the free and home of the brave should over time become the land of the enslaved and cowardly is the inescapable fate of everything that belongs to the world of Becoming. Each one of us passes through the buoyancy of childhood to the infirmary of old age, every tree goes from abundant blossoms to withered branches, so as to complete the cycle of wholeness of the wheel in the sky.
This is why no bourgeois institutional egghead analysis can explain the moment we’re living through, simply because it is not in the nature of modern institutional people to see reality metaphysically. The upholders of institutions are stubborn, close-minded and unimaginative by nature: this is what makes them “conservative.”
Oswald Spengler famously observed that “Man makes history; woman is history,” meaning that men create the conditions of a given epoch, which women exemplify just as the moon reflects the sun. So President Harris will be the inevitable result of the plotline of American history as made by the European men who came before her. It doesn’t matter how she wins, because it is completely irrelevant whether her victory is “fair” or not.
Traditionalist metaphysics teaches that no civilizational movement can be made in a positive direction until it’s passed the negative limit or zero point of the Kali Yuga. The present period of dissolution is likely only the beginning, and we should remind ourselves that the Fall of the Roman Empire was not an event but a process. Harris “must” win because Western Civilization must pass the winter solstice, the lowest point in the sky for an altogether different deity, the Apollo whose light guided Western Civilization before the term even existed. Only then will visions of a new spring begin to blossom in the hearts of men.
Christian Chensvold is the author of Dark Stars: Heroic Spirituality in the Age of Decadence, which reveals the influence of Julius Evola’s esoteric writings.
As has been pointed out ad nauseum in regards to this rookie mistake Kali is not the Goddess which symbolizes the Kali yuga. This Kali is a male deity which presides over the Kali yuga. He is depicted as a dark skinned and very low born cow abuser. Kali the goddess symbolizes the destruction of decedent and demonic forces by the power of the divine. Kamala refers to the lotus goddess who is a form of Lakshmi. Wife of Vishnu, goddess of prosperity.
Interesting theory about K. Harris. There is something called logarithmic decay, which governs life of systems. Systems decay in an exponential way, so with K. Harris we might be entering "the end", but this "end" in a way already happened, given that now decay is very rapid since there is almost nothing left to be destroyed. In that way what we are entering is very uninteresting (and very short) period, but also interesting because something "new" might reappear again for the new cycle, but only for very tiny minority of the population.